Chapter 19: Friends

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It's been a few weeks since Jimin and I kept the secret of me being here. He always told me that the boys would ask where the doctor was and he would try to change the topic. I still felt nervous seeing them come and visit Jimin.

Jimin and I would have secret talks and he would talk about the others and how they are doing. I would help him stand up to regain his balance and help him stretch.

"Do you want to start your stretch now?" I asked and he nods.

I helped him stand up and held onto his hand. "Okay, now lets start with a light arm stretch. Lift you arm over your head."

He did what I said and then I realized how much pain Jimin was in when I felt his breath on my forehead. I looked at him and he looked down at me breathing heavily.

"Now, put your arm down slowly." I said and he followed what I said while gritting his teeth.

I heard noises outside the room and panicked when I heard Taehyung's voice. Jimin looked at me with wide eyes, "They're here."

He sat down on the bed with a groan and I tried to find a place to hide.

"Seunghee, over here." Jimin said pointing to the closet. I heard the door opening and I hid myself in the closet as quick and as quietly as I could.

I held my breath when I heard Seokjin calling Jimin's name. Jimin chuckled, "Hyung, you're early."

I heard them talking and I tried to be as quiet as I could until my cover was blown by a loud ring from my phone.

I regretted not silencing my phone this morning in this moment. I turned my phone off but it was too late when the door of the closet opened and I fell into someone's arms.

My eyes widened as I looked up to see Yoongi looking down at me surprised to see a doctor in his arms.

I stood up quickly and fixed my coat. I cleared my throat and saw Jimin smirking playfully. They all looked at me and I looked at the ground.

"Hyungs, Dongsaengs, meet the one and only Seunghee that we were all friends with a year ago." Jimin introduced me while having a giant smile on his face.

He must've wished that this would happen to me.

I looked at them one by one, when my eyes landed on Seokjin, I could still see the pain from the day we parted. I didn't see any good results from this so I decided to leave.

"I'm going to leave now." I said awkwardly as I walked out of the room.

My eyes started to water until someone's hand took mine and pulled me somewhere.

I looked at the man and noticed that it was Seokjin as he brought me towards the staircase and he let go of me in the middle of the third floor. My back against the wall and him in front of me made my heart race.

"Seokjin..." I called his name quietly.

He looked at me and then to my surprise, he pulls me into a hug. My heart starts pounding out of my chest. I heard him crying softly.

I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist and hid my face in his chest.

He caressed my hair, "Seunghee, I missed you so much. I wanted to find you and bring you back but it never worked. You were gone."

I shook my head and lightly pushed him away, "I shouldn't be talking to you."

Seokjin looked at me and shook his head. "No. You're going to talk to me whether they like it or not. I'm not losing you again."

I couldn't help but smile and he returned the same smile as I hugged him again. "I missed you. I missed all of you."

Seokjin brought me to a cafe nearby and we decided to get some warm drinks. I sat down and Seokjin brought the drinks over. He sat in front of me and I took a sip of my usual hot tea.

"How are you, Seunghee?" He asked as he took a sip of his latte.

This moment reminded me of the time I met Seokjin and we decided to have a drink together back when I first came to South Korea.

I smiled, "Great, I see you and everyone else is doing great as well."

He chuckled and my heart melted when I heard that cute chuckle again after so long. "Yes we have been doing great. We went to a few tours and concerts in North America as well as Europe. It was an amazing experience."

I nodded as he sipped his coffee once more. "So after that incident... were you in any trouble? I was worried about how everyone was treating you."

He shook his head, "No, it was the same. What about you? It's must've been worse for you."

I forced a smile. "I left South Korea the day after and changed my look as you can probably tell." I said showing off my new hair, my changed fashion style and my new makeup look.

He grinned, "I noticed. It must've been tough to make that decision." I thought about the day I went to the salon to change my hair and change my wardrobe.

"Hello, welcome to our salon." A middle aged woman said smiling. I gave her a light smile and sat on the chair looking through the magazines.

The woman had blonde hair and bright green eyes. "Any styles in mind?" She asked as she got her tools ready. I thought about it and then nodded. "I want to have a fresh new start. What kind of hairstyle would that be?"

I walked home with Seokjin beside me. He decided to walk me home and we didn't talk the whole way until he started the conversation. "Seunghee," He said stopping me.

I looked at him and he stared at me. "I'm so happy to have found you again." I smiled and he bit his lip looking at the ground. "I can't lose you again." He added before staring right into my eyes.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked in confusion.

He looked at me nervously. "I want to see you more. I want to start a fresh new friendship with you. No more hiding, no paparazzi, no more avoiding each other. Let's be friends again."

I stood there and he tilted his head slightly while having a small smile on his face. "What do you say? Friends?" He held out his hand.

I looked at his soft and tanned looking hand and then back at him. A smile creeped on my face and I let out a small laugh. "Friends."

I shook his hand and he pulled me into a surprise hug.

He whispers gently in my ear, "Nice to see you again, Seunghee."

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