Chapter 5: Goodbye

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I quickly walked inside the music store and walked straight to the girl group section. "2NE1, 2NE1, 2NE1... found it." I took out 2NE1's latest album from the shelf.

I turned around and now looked for BTS' album. "Now which album is their latest again?" I looked around and my phone rang.

I checked the caller ID. Unknown. "Hello?" I answered.

"Yah, Seunghee!" I heard Jimin's voice on the other side.

"Jimin? How'd you get my number?" I asked.

"Seokjin hyung." He replied.

"Seunghee, Seokjin asked if you're at the airport yet." He said.

"No. I'm looking for-" I stopped myself from saying their group's name. "A gift for my siblings." I quickly changed my wording.

"You have siblings?" Jimin asked. "Yes. Two." I said.

He chuckled. "That's cool. Anyway, Seokjin hyung is coming to pick you up and drop you off to the airport." He said and then hung up before I could say anything.

"But-" I couldn't reply back.

Okay I just need to hurry up and get the album.

I walked to the cashier woman and smiled. "Hi, do you know the name of BTS' newest album?" I asked.

She smiled. "Their newest album is Young Forever."

"Yeah, I was wondering if you have their new album here." I said.

She shook her head, frowning. "I'm sorry, they are all sold out. The new batch will be delievered next week." She said.

"Oh... Okay." I paid for the 2NE1 album and left the store.

What am I going to do now?

I walked to my door with the suitcases beside me. I Ed the door and saw Seokjin standing there with his hands in his pockets. "You're here already?" I asked.

He turned around and smiled. "Ready to go?"

"How did you know I was leaving now?" I asked.

Seokjin shrugged. "A guess?"

I smiled. "Good timing then."

He took my two big suitcases and walked out. I followed after him with the other two smaller suitcases.

I walked out and saw Seokjin's black van parked in front of us. I sat with him in the front and he drove us to the airport.

"So when's the flight?" He asked not looking at me but at the road.

"At six. We have like three hours." I said.

He nodded. My phone buzzed and I checked the message. It was from my brother.

Mom and Dad are picking you up at 7 today. Can't wait to see you. Seungyeon said she's excited for her BTS album ^^ See you soon!

I smiled but then frowned when I read the last part. "What's wrong?" Seokjin asked.

"My sister asked me for an album as a gift and I tried to get it but it was sold out. I feel terrible." I explained.

He nodded. "Which group?"

I looked at him a little embarrassed. "Um, I-" My phone buzzed again.

Nevermind, they are picking you up at 8 lol sorry

I smiled and then saw Seokjin turn his head. I looked at the road as he drove.

At the airport Seokjin brought me to the waiting area before I left. "Thanks for making my stay here in South Korea worth it, and helping me with everything." I thanked him.

He shrugged. "No problem." We locked our eyes for a bit.

"Seunghee!" I turned and saw the rest of the guys walking over.

"You guys." I smiled. They all wore black masks to cover their faces.

"We all came to say goodbye." Jimin said.

"Yeah. We'll miss you." Taehyung added.

"Thank you for coming you guys." I said with a wide smile on my face.

"We'll be right back. Boys, come with me." Seokjin said and they all followed Seokjin. I sat on one of the seats near me. A few minutes later the guys came over with three different sized gift bags.

"We're back." Hoseok exclaimed smiling while holding one gift bag.

"With gifts." Jungkook added holding another.

I stood up and looked at them with widened eyes. "You guys didn't have to."

Taehyung handed me the pink coloured bag. "Here's your first gift." He said excitedly. I opened it and saw a black fabric.

I took it out and found out that it was a sweater. It had the 'Hwa Yong Yeon Hwa' letters in the front and the back had 'BTS' written in white with all the members' signatures at the back.

"Oh my gosh, this is so cool." I said holding it up in front of me. I felt like a really excited fangirl at the moment.

"Here is the other gift." Jimin gave me the blue coloured bag. I opened it and saw a light pink journal.

"This is for you to write whatever you want." Yoongi explained.

"Yoongi hyung thought of the idea." Jimin added and then gave Yoongi a smile.

I looked at Yoongi and smiled. "Thanks."

Hoseok ran over towards me and held out the green coloured bag. "Last present, but not the least." He said.

I opened it up and saw a photo album. I look at it. The album had beautiful pastel colours inside and outside the album. Written on it says "The Most Beautiful Moments In Life".

"Open it." Jungkook said smiling.

I opened the cover and saw a photo of all of us at the beach. "You can keep your favourite moments inside. We wrote little notes inside the pages of the album so you'll find them eventually. It's like little energy boosters for when you're down." Seokjin showed me the little side notes.

I smiled as I felt really lucky to have them in my life. "Thank you."

Jin nodded. "It's our gift to you."

"Attention all flight passengers. The plane to Canada will be boarding shortly, please line up to depart." The woman announced.

I looked at Seokjin and he gave me a forced smile. I looked at the guys and they all looked at me with a smile. "Well, I guess I must be going." I said.

Taehyung came up to me and pulled me into a hug. "Come back soon." He whispered and I gave him a nod.

Everyone gave me a hug and I walked away with my suitcase dragging behind me. I turned back once more and waved.

They all waved back happily and I continued walking to the giant line that was forming before the counter.

It's not goodbye yet. I'll be back, soon.

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