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"Unnie, do you really have to go?" I heard my sister, Seungyeon, ask as I was packing for my trip.

"Yes, I have to. I've been waiting to go for ten years. I finally have the money to go and visit, one day I'll take you there with me." I said, bending over to come face to face with my younger sister.

She pouted before giving me a hug. "I'll miss you." She said.

I hugged her back, and gave her a smile. "I'll miss you too."

Seungyeon walked away and I went back to packing my bag. I heard a knock on my door and saw my mother standing there.

"Hey." She said leaning on the door frame with a small smile.

"Hi, mom." I replied, as I continued packing.

I heard her walking towards me. She picked up a blue shirt that was on my bed, and placed it into the bag. "Are you sure about this, Seunghee? You're only eighteen."

"Yes mom, I'm sure. Don't worry so much." I said smiling. She sighed and then gave me a forced smile.

"Okay, if anything happens, please call me. I'll come pick you up immediately." She said.

"Mom." I sarcastically yelled and she sighed.

My mom answered. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I'm just worried about you."

"You don't have to be worried. You know your daughter better than anyone else. I'm going there for a short trip, and then I'll be coming back to start my university year. Nothing is going to happen." I said, holding my mother's shoulders.

She nodded before walking out the door with a hand on her tilted head mumbling to herself that it was going to be alright.

Suddenly my phone rang and I looked at the caller ID. I picked up the phone and a high pitched squeal came out from the other end.

"Hey, Seunghee!" Nana squealed again.

"Nana, quiet down! Isn't there anyone at your house hearing your screaming?" I said rolling my eyes sarcastically, though she couldn't see me.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm just so happy for you. You got into the top university of the country!" She started screaming, and I had to pull my ear away from the phone.

"Yes, I know that, but how did you know?" I asked while going back to packing my clothes.

"Everyone knows. It was all over the school board this morning." She said and I sighed.

How lovely.

"I told Mrs. Ikito to not put it up on the webpage, but she didn't listen." I said as I picked up two books from my bookshelf, mentally deciding which one to bring but ended up putting both inside the bag.

"Wait, it wasn't Ikito. It was Ahn. Oh yeah, did you know that he's getting married? I'm so jealous of his wife!" Nana said, as I could hear her munching on something.

"Mr. Ahn? How did he know? And for your information, Nana, he's like seventeen years older than you, so calm down." I said.

"Well, that's not bad. He is my bias as in teachers." She said the word 'bias' in a sarcastic tone.

She knew I liked Kpop and she did too, so we'd both use those words in general. It was very embarrassing, but it was fun to say.

"Alright. Oh! I have to finish packing so I'll talk to you soon before I leave." I said.

"Mhm. I'm going to miss you so much." She said in a cute voice.

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