Special A/N

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Hey readers! This is my first A/N and I wanted to say THANK YOU! You guys are so amazing and supportive, I'm always laughing and smiling at your comments. At the beginning when I wrote the first chapters of this book, I thought the storyline was very boring and I didn't think people would actually read it after the second chapter, but you guys kept reading and actually liked it so I was really happy to see all those comments!

Also, I'm really excited to announce that I have a new book out staring BTS' V as one of the main characters called 'ILLEGIRL'. If you guys have not checked it out and are interested please go check it out, I would greatly appreciate it. The main plot takes place years before the events in IMAJINE had happened. There is also a special character who was in this book that will be in the new book as well. You'll be able to learn more about that character's life in that book as well.

To end this A/N, I will give you a small section of the new book and hopefully you guys will enjoy it. It is not the full prologue, there is more in the actual book!

Thanks for reading IMAJINE!
- Gemini


Screaming and glass shattering was all I heard as I crawled into my blanket covers and curled up into a ball.

My mother was yelling at my father and he yelled back. I covered my ears.

Please... stop fighting... please...

My eyes were shut and I just stayed there until I was pulled into a deep sleep which usually kept me away from reality.

I woke up still under my blanket but I could see the sunlight coming through. I pulled my blanket away to reveal my bedroom still the same as before.

As I got off the bed, I walked to my parents' room. The bed was still nicely made and there was no sign of a fight being in here.

I walked downstairs to the living room to see table lamps and glass vases shattered into pieces on the plank hardwood floor and yellow daffodils on the floor.

Yellow daffodils symbolize joy and happiness but can also symbolize unrequited love if there was only one.

I picked up a bright yellow daffodil and twirled it in my hand. It's petals were slowly being dried up.

I walked to the kitchen to find an extra vase but I stopped when I saw my father sat in a chair with his hands on his head.

"Appa?" I called out and he looked up but his eyes and his nose were pink. He was crying.

He wiped his eyes and sniffed before he smiled at me. "Sumi yah, good morning."

I sat into the chair in front of my father. "Where's Mom?" I looked at him and he took a tissue and wiped his nose.

"She went to go get uh... some papers..." He said and I noticed his eyes getting teary again.

I sighed, "She's getting the divorce papers." I said with certainty in my voice.

My father put his head in his hands again and started crying. "Yes. I tried, I tried to get her to understand but, it didn't work."

I stood up from my seat and walked over to my father. I wrapped my arms around my father's head as he cried on my stomach.

My father was not a bad man.

My mother was not a bad woman.

They were both the best parents I could ever ask for but, there was one thing a child dreads to hear from their parents... that their parents didn't love each other.

That evening, my father had to go to court and they ended up confirming the divorce. My mother got custody of me and gave my dad visiting rights.

I ended up crying myself to sleep that night wishing that it never happened and that we were still one family.

The next day, my mother had to go to work and I had this bad feeling in my stomach. I gave my mother a hug before she left the house.

I was right.

My father called me and I knew that something happened to my mother when I heard the nervousness in my father's voice.

My mother got into an accident.

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