Chapter 11: Vacation To LA

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I looked up to see Seokjin looking down at me like he saw a ghost. "Are you alright?" He asked.

I nodded and Namjoon ran over to look at me. "Are you okay?"

I forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." I heard cars honking as they passed by and realized that I almost got hit by a car.

"Come stand in the middle." Seokjin moved me in between Namjoon and himself. To reassure all of us of the almost accident, we began talking about other things. We walked around the city and decided to go eat at a restaurant.

The woman brought us to an eight seated table and I sat beside Seokjin and Hoseok. "What do you guys want to eat?" Seokjin asked.

"Jajangmyeon!" Jungkook and Taehyung shouted at the same time.

"Bibimbap!" Hoseok raised his hand.

"Japchae with Seolleongtang!" Jimin answered and then Yoongi nodded. "Me too."

"Namjoon?" Seokjin looked over at Namjoon who was looking over the menu. "Soondubu Jiggae."

Seokjin nodded as he memorized the boys' orders and then looked at me. "What about you, Seunghee?"

I smiled, "I'll get Japchae with Seolleongtang. Same as Jimin and Yoongi."

Jimin smiled widely, "Yeah, Japchae is good. Great choice!" I giggled and then Seokjin ordered the food to the waitress.

While we ate the delicious food, two teenage girls ran towards us. "Oh Jungkook oppa, Jimin oppa! May we get your autographs? Oh my gosh Taehyung oppa!" The girls squealed happily.

I smiled seeing Jungkook and Jimin sign one of the girl's phone case and the other on a piece of paper.

They squealed again and then gasped, "May we take a photo with you?" One girl with light brown hair asked them.

Namjoon nodded, "Sure." The girls giggled and the brunette handed me her phone.

"Could you take the photo?" She asked politely. "Of course." I said holding her phone and standing to the front.

One stood beside Jungkook and the other stood beside Jimin. I smiled, "Okay, one, two three!" I snapped the photo and the girls smiled.

"Thank you!" They bowed to the guys and left giggling to each other.

I sat back down and Seokjin looked at me smiling, "I'm sorry you had to do that."

I shook my head, "No it's fine. I understand how they felt when they met you guys. Remember, I was a fangirl too." I smirked at Seokjin who chuckled.

He then pouted playfully, "You're not anymore?"

I smiled, "I am but now I guess I'm considered a friend more than a fan." He agreed by nodding and there was a short moment of silence before it was disturbed by a couple of chuckling.

I turned over to the guys and we both looked at them confused. "What?" Seokjin looked at Hoseok and Namjoon and then over to the rest of the group.

Namjoon shook his head, "Nothing, you two look cute." Namjoon said, saying the word 'cute' in English and I scoffed, "Yeah right."

Hoseok nodded, "We're not kidding. If we didn't know you two, we would have thought you two were dating."

I blushed at his comment, "We would never be that close. We're just close friends I guess." I shrugged and Seokjin gave a confident nod.

"Seunghee is a good friend, I don't want to ruin my friendship with her if we get too close." Seokjin said and smiled when he looked at me.

I smiled back but inside, I felt an unknown pain in my heart.

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