Chapter 14: A Visit

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I woke up but jumped when I looked at the room I was sleeping in.

Oh wait, this was my room.

I rubbed my head and looked at the time.

10:47 am.

Walking out of my room, I saw my parents in the kitchen. "Good morning." I said tiredly and they both smiled warmly.

"Good morning sweetie. Do you want some toast?" My mom held up a plate and I nodded.

"How are you feeling?" My dad asked me as I sat down beside him on the dining table. "I'm fine. Not too bad." I smiled.

I looked around the kitchen which has changed since the last time I saw it. The walls of the kitchen was a light cream shade and there was gray marbled tiles on the bottom of the walls on the counter.

"Everything has really changed. I can't believe six years have gone. I can't remember anything." I frowned and my dad touched my shoulder and patted it gently.

"Don't worry, you'll remember soon." My dad smiled and I felt happy to know that at least my life was still in good shape.

Have I done drugs? Did I ever get a boyfriend? How did I do in school? What am I working as?

I looked at my dad curiously. "Dad, how was I in school?" My dad nodded and grinned confidently.

"You were excellent. An honor student and now works as a doctor at one of the greatest hospitals in the country." He said proudly.

My mouth dropped, "A doctor? Honor student?" He nodded and my mother placed a plate with two toast and jam on the side. "You made us proud." She said and I smiled sheepishly.

Maybe my life wasn't so bad. But, why did I end up in South Korea... with guys? I'm so confused...

My first day since I got out of the hospital wasn't pleasant. People who I must've known before was all dusty in my mind and I can't remember them now.

I walked down the streets sadly until someone bumped me accidentally and something flashes in my mind.

I was falling and there were honking noises but then someone's voice... "It's okay."

"Ahh!" I screamed and I saw people stare at me like I was crazy. I apologized immediately and hid inside a huge glass building nearby.

My heart was racing and I felt relieved to know it was just a vision.

Was it real? Was that why I ended up like this? That voice... it's familiar...

"Excuse me." Startled, I faced the man that called me. "I'm sorry." He shook his head walking past me. I realized I was standing right next to the entrance doors.

I moved away from the door and then looked at the building that I walked inside unknowingly. "It's a hospital." I walked around and saw visitors and nurses walking around.

I saw a family waiting outside a room quietly and patiently. "Please... please be okay." I heard the woman probably in her late thirties crying and a man comforting her, probably her husband.

I walked past them and glanced at the room they were waiting at. I saw a young girl in her twenties in a coma. Her eyes were wrapped with bandages and her body was bruised.

"She's unconscious. Get Doctor Kim now." I heard a woman's voice and a guy's voice followed after. "Seunghee please be okay... please."

I jumped at the sudden vision I got. I found myself still looking at the young girl in a coma. The parents looked at me and I looked at them sympathetically, "I hope for all the best." I said and they thanked me.

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