Chapter 9: A Warm Welcome

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-ˏˋThe Summerˊˎ-

Walking out of the airport I saw many people waiting for the person they came to pick up.

I looked around and saw that nothing has changed from before. "Long time no see, South Korea." I said to myself.

I looked for the train station and took the train to Gangnam where I knew someone was waiting for me. I stepped out of the train when I reached my stop and saw someone familiar waiting outside the station.

A smile fell on my face as I yelled out his name. "Seokjin!"

Seokjin turned around at the sound of his name and smiled immediately when he saw me. "Seunghee."

I ran up to him and he patted my head. "How are you?" He asked, his excitement shown through his eyes.

"Good. You've changed." I said looking at his new hair colour which was a dark brown.

"Really? I think I look the same. You've changed." He replied back.

"Hehe. Should we leave?" I asked. "Yeah let's go."

We walked down to the parking lot and he walked towards a familiar black van. I sat in the passenger's seat beside Seokjin and he turned on the engine.

On the road, Seokjin and I stayed awkwardly silent. After five minutes of awkward silence Seokjin's phone rang and he jumped slightly.

"Hello?" He answered. He said a bunch of 'uh huh' and 'yes' to the person on the other side of the line.

"Hold on a second. Seunghee," He called me.

"Yeah?" I looked at him who had his usual smile on his face.

"Umm.. the boys want to talk to you." He passed the phone to me.

"Hello?" I heard noises in the background and some laughter.

"Ahh Seunghee! It's Jimin!"

"Hey Seunghee! It's Taehyung."

"Seunghee what's up? It's Jungkook."

The phone bursts into chaos with a bunch of male voices speaking through the phone at the same time.

"Oh, hi guys! How are you?" I grinned and saw Seokjin looking over at me.

I heard Jimin's voice talking through the phone. "We're okay, how are you doing? Did hyung buy food for you? Is he cooking at home? When are you coming?" Jimin exploded with questions.

"Jimin, one question at a time." I said smiling.

He laughed. "Sorry."

"I think we're coming over there to eat." I looked over at Seokjin for confirmation and he gave me a nod.

I didn't want to call their dorm my home because it wasn't. I didn't feel like it was the right time to call it home.

"Okay! Can't wait to see you." I heard Taehyung's voice pop up.

"Hyung let me talk." Jungkook whined.

"Wait." Jimin replied back and I could hear the others shouting at each other.

I couldn't help but chuckle. Seokjin looked at me and then the road. "What are they talking about that's making you giggle like that?" He asked curiously.

"They're just... really comfortable with each other. It just makes me feel warm and friendly inside." I replied.

"What Seunghee?" I heard Jimin's voice pop out.

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