Chapter 17: Decision

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The guys looked at me and I just slumped back on the couch in shock. "I'm so sorry Seunghee, we didn't warn you guys." Hoseok apologized sadly.

"Yeah, we should've known better." Jungkook added.

I shook my head, "Don't worry about it. I'm not mad, it's just really shocking how gossip can just give a different perspective on yourself."

Seokjin stood up and his face was unreadable as he walked away. "Hyung where are you going?" Hoseok followed him.

Namjoon watched them go and then held my shoulder lightly, "Don't worry about Seokjin hyung, we'll get him."

I nodded and he left with Yoongi and Jungkook. Taehyung and Jimin stayed with me as they tried to comfort me by changing the subject or making me laugh.

Jimin then looked at me in a way I've never seen him look at me before. I heard the door open and Hoseok, Jungkook and Yoongi walked in.

Jimin looked at them worringly, "Where's Namjoon and Jin hyung?"

Hoseok looked at Yoongi and then back at Jimin. "He went to Big Hit to clear the misunderstanding but Bang PD nim won't let him do it."

"Then where is he?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook looked at me, "At the news station."

"What? Is he crazy? If he does that he'll probably lose his career." Jimin said and I immediately ran towards the door to get Seokjin but Hoseok stops me.

"Please let me go stop him." I begged, tears were filling my eyes.

He looked at me and pulled me into a hug. He whispered something in my ear before he let me go.

I looked at him with wide eyes but I knew it had to be done. I ran out and immediately caught a cab. I arrived at the news station and I quickly ran as fast as I could inside.

People in suits were walking around smiling and chatting. I ran to the counter and the guy there was surprised to see a woman panting in front of him.

"Where's the broadcasting room?" I asked. He gave me the directions and I ran to the elevator.

When I walked in the room I saw people yelling out questions and people taking photos. Standing in front of them was Seokjin. His hair was messy but he looked serious, mature and responsible.

"Stop!" I yelled and everyone looked at me including Seokjin who was shocked to see me.

I ran to the stage and he looked at me. "What are you doing, Seunghee? Let me handle this. You're going to be in alot of trouble if you do this." He whispered.

I couldn't stop the tears as they streamed down my face. "I can't let you take the blame. If you take all the responsibility, you'll lose your career. I won't lose anything if I take responsibility of this." I confessed.

He looked at me with pain in his expression. "You'll lose me. We won't be able to see each other ever again, you know that don't you?"

I smiled painfully and nodded, "But I won't lose you. I'll never lose you. I'm thankful for everything you've done but this is my mistake."

He kept quiet and I could see tears forming in his eyes. I walked up to the crowd of reporters and interviewers.

"Hello, my name is Kim Seunghee and this rumor was brought to light because of me. I told the press that we were dating. It wasn't his fault. I will take full responsibility by never making any contact with him or the other members ever again. I will also formally apologize for all the trouble I have caused to many. " I finished and bowed. "I'm sorry."

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