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I flattened my dress that had a flower pattern and I pulled my hair in a high ponytail. Looking at the mirror I looked at myself.

Then behind me, I saw Seokjin standing there in a nice causal outfit. "Ready?" He asked.

I turned around and gave him a small smile nodding.

He put his hand out and placed my hand in his as we walked out of the house. I opened the door to the car and saw a bouquet of yellow daffodils.

"He always loved daffodils. He would tell me to buy daffodils when I would go to parties and asked him what type of flower I should buy." I said looking at the daffodils as they swayed in the wind.

Seokjin smiled as he started the car. I picked up the bouquet and sat down, placing the bouquet on my lap.

I lightly touched the petals and it remembered me of his smile when I bought him daffodils for his birthday every year.

This year... I won't see that smile.

Seokjin touched my hand and I looked at him. "I miss him." I frowned.

He nodded, "I know. I'll drop you off and when you're finished just call me, okay?" He said.

I nodded and we drove off to the place where Seojoon was staying. I held onto the flowers while we drove through the city and towards the countryside where there was barely any buildings left.

The whole car ride I tried to hold back my tears as I knew he wouldn't like it if I was crying in front of him. I looked out the window to keep my mind busy but I would keep remembering him.

"Seunghee," I heard Seokjin say my name and I turned to face him. "Yeah?"

He pointed out the window. "We're here."

I looked out Seokjin's window and I sighed. "Oh, okay. Thanks for dropping me off. I'll call you when I'm finished." Seokjin nodded and I opened the door.

"Oh, Seunghee." Seokjin called me again.

I looked at him as he dug into his storage box and took out a white envelope. He gave it to me and I looked at the white envelope with words scribbled on it.

To: Seunghee

I looked at Seokjin with wide eyes, "H-How? Where did you get this?" Seokjin looked at the envelope and then smiled.

"From the person who wrote the letter. He asked me to give it to you on his birthday." Seokjin said.

I looked at the envelope again and then closed the door. Seokjin drove away and I looked at the hill behind me and started walking.

When I reached the top I saw the sun starting to set and I let out a sigh. This was the exact place I last saw him, when I was unconscious.

Looking at the bouquet of daffodils in my hands, I got back to finding my way to go see him.

Finally, I reached the place and I kneeled down to look at the dark and cold hard surface in front of me. I placed the bouquet down right next to it and smiled. "Hi... Seojoon oppa."

I watched the sun as it slowly started to disappear behind the stone. "It's been a few months since you were gone but I came to celebrate your birthday."

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