•Chapter 8-Blood•

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----Matt's POV----
A grubby looking guy opened the door with a big beer bottle in his hands. His hair was all over the place, he had on a baggy tank top with black baggy pants.

"What?" He snapped at us.
"Um... W-we're here for s-someone." Lily stuttered.
"Alex!! Get over here!" He yelled. Soon a boy who looked my age walked up. He had dirty blonde hair wearing a black v neck shirt and grey pants. He looked like he was drinking also.
"Who are they?" He whispered to the guy.
"They're here for you." He looked at us. I shook my head.
"We're actually here for Shawn and Aaliyah." I told him.
"Your friends with that kid. You could do much better." The kid Alex said shaking his head.
"Just tell him that we're here please." I snapped at the guy.
"Shawn can't leave. Neither can Aaliyah so you can leave. Goodbye." The guy closed the door but I stuck my foot in between the door.
"Tell Shawn and Aaliyah that we're here. Now." My voice got deeper all of a sudden.
"No now get your asses out of here!" He exclaimed then shut the door really hard on my foot.

I pulled it out and sat on the step in pain.
"Matt are you ok?" Lily asked while sitting next to me.
"Ugh... Yeah." I whispered. This hurt like hell.  
"I'll get Shawn. Be right back." Lily rushed away to the back leaving me here with my foot in pain. I walked back over to the car and sat down rubbing my foot.

"Dude where's Shawn and Liyah?" Cameron asked.
"This guy wouldn't let them go so Lily is gonna get them." I told them. They shook their heads.
We waited for Lily to come back. 

----Lily's POV----
I ran to the back of the house and crouched down behind the wall. I pulled my phone out and texted Shawn.

To Shawn: Hey I'm outside in the back.

From Shawn: Why are you out there?

To Shawn: This guy won't let you and Aaliyah out the house. Come out the back door.

From Shawn: hold on

Then my phone started ringing with his name on there.

"Ok so are you coming?"
"Yeah but I don't think that's a good idea"
"Um..  Because I'm sick and yeah."
"Shawn your a bad liar what can't you leave?"
"Remember what I told you before about what's happening."
"Oh. Are you guys ok?"
"Yeah. I'll see you later bye."

After that he hung up. I walked back to the car and got in. Matt had his shoe off rubbing his foot.

"Is it better?" I asked. He shook his head and winced a little.
"Guys I think we should go back to the house." I told them.
"Ok." Cameron started the caramel we drove off with Jack's car following.
"Why couldn't Shawn and Liyah come?" Nash asked me.
"Their dad said that they had to finish up some work." I lied.
"Oh ok." After that the ride was quiet.

We got back to my house and I took Matt to the laundry room where all the first aid supplies were.
"For a laundry room, this is big. Mine just has the washer and dryer with a coat rack. That's it." Matt told me. I laughed a little. He sat on the bench and took his sock off were there was a little bit of blood and a bruise.

"Dang he closed that door hard." I mumbled while looking at his cut. I got out a Neosporin, a band aid and put that on after cleaning the blood. Then I wrapped his foot and put everything back.
"Try not to walk on that side to much or else it'll get worse." I told him while putting everything back.
"Thanks Lil." Matt hugged me then walked off. I was walking into the kitchen when the door bell rang.

"Madi could you get that!" I screamed.
"Sure." She yelled back. I got out the bread when I heard someone crying. I walked to the front door and saw Madison kneeling down to a girl. She had a busted lip and her nose was bleeding.

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