•Chapter 30-Solution•

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(When the words are in italics, it means Shawn is thinking. So you're reading about what's happening in his mind.)

Shawn's POV
I heard clapping coming from behind us. Lily pulled away and her green eyes went big.

"What?" I asked. She shook her head.
"Don't turn around." Was all she said. I furrowed my eyebrows and disobeyed her. My eyes met with the most evil, cocky smile. Carter. I balled my fist and tried to hold myself back.

"Awe, is little Shawny trying to be.... intimidating?" He asked snickering a little. I started tapping my foot to try and calm my nerves down but nothing seemed to be working.

"Come on! Come at me! Hmm I guess you're just to afraid to do it." I was at my limit when I felt a gentle hand on my back.

Lily was shaking her head looking at me softly. I in clenched my fist and relaxed my body.

"Don't do it. He's just trying to work you up." She whispered. I nodded and kept staring at her. I've never noticed the little glint in her eyes that made them-

"You guys are the most cheesiest most pathetic teens I've EVER seen. It's disgusting." Carter yelled. Alex came out from behind Carter and ran over to Lily tackling her down. Richard ran up behind my dad punching him in the temple. Jason grabbed Lily's mom and held her tightly where she couldn't breathe well.

Now it was just me and Carter face to face.

"What happened to you? I thought we were friends." I said weakly. He shook his head.

"We... we were never friends. I looked up to you ever since the day we met. But you never really noticed me. All you cared about was how tough you should be and didn't care about any one else's feelings." He said in monotone. No emotion.

"What? So like... you liked him?" Alex asked.

"No you stupid idiot. I just wanted to feel like I was apart of the group. You made ever else feel happy except me." Those last to words spilled out with pure venom.

"Carter, why didn't you just tell me? I would've made you feel apart of the group. You can't just hide your feelings in like that." I stepped a bit closer.

"Yeah Shawn. You can't just hold in your feelings. You've been doing that ever since your dumb parents divorced." At that comment, I picked my head up string at him straight in the eyes.

"Excuse me? Did I hear you wrong?" I lifted my eyebrows. And if he says those three words, he'll wished he never said them.

"Dumb. Divorced. Parents." Ok so not what I was expecting but that was just as worse. I lunged at him punching his face with all the strength I had. Someone pushed me off though and sat on me. I tried fighting until I saw the silver killer.

It had a red streak going through it. James placed the cold metal against my head.

"Now, I'm not afraid to pull the trigger Shawn." He whispered. He got up making me stand up too and laugh me against the wall. The gun was still pointed at my head.

At this point, I didn't know if I'm going to live. I didn't get a chance to have proper time with my dad or sister. Not even Lily. And I'm just going to be killed. I wanted my music career to take off, but that's not going to happen. I won't be able to have a full  life.

I won't- what the heck? Is that? Mamrie? No that couldn't be.

There was red hair and a face. That is her! She looked at me and waved. I did a little hand signal telling her that she has to leave. But her being her, didn't listen.

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