•Chapter 24-Nightmare•

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Lily's POV
Today's the day. We're going to go help Shawn's dad and possibly my dad if they find him. I packed my stuff together and waited for everyone at the door.

Officer Kaine was here but on the phone with someone else. Shawn came down with his bruises shinning.
"Do they still hurt?" I asked.
"Oh. Yeah." He shrugged. I felt bad for him. He's going through so much right now with his family, he doesn't need this extra crap hanging on his weak shoulders.

Just thinking of that made me wanna give him a hug. So I did.

"Uh? What's this for?" He else's while hugging me.
"I just feel bad. You have to go through so much and it's not fair whatsoever that those guys are bringing your dad into it." Long explanation, but it felt good. He departed and smiled. Officer Kaine walked in and told us that we had to leave.

The trip to the airport wasn't too long but it took a while. I'm really nervous right now. Hurts to say but, I've never been on a plane before. Now I know what you're thinking, 'Then how did you get into Toronto?'. Well it's called driving people. My family decided to take a very complicated way of traveling.

"Hey are you ok?" Kayleigh asked.
"Um no. Really nervous." I told her. She agreed but grabbed my hand.
"We can do this together." I smiled and looked out the window.

"Sibling bonding. So cute." Carter shook his head.
"Why are you even here?" I asked confused. Ever since he came, he started pissing me off.

"Ummm to help save someone who can't save themselves." He smirked. Shawn turned his head really slow, and raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse you?" This was totally not good.

"I'm just saying. Your dad is old enough to save himself. He doesn't need a bunch of teens to help him." That boy just had to cross the line.

I could hear Matt behind me whispering, " ooh no he didn't." but in a ghetto tone. Shawn shook his head and was about to lunge out of his seat when me and Aaliyah caught him.

"I swear Carter. Next time you insult my dad, I'm going to beat your ass." Shawn hissed. I've never heard him curse so that was new. Cameron had to talk to Carter angrily until the car was completely quiet.

Twenty minutes passed by and we were standing in the center of the airport. Officer Kaine lead us to the gate which we were right on time with.

It was cold. Why is it cold? This was over the top an ice box on a plane. Even the window was cold. Shawn was in the middle and some stranger on the walking isle while the girls were in front of us.

"Thank you for joining American Airlines today. Please put your seat belts on before take off and cut your phones to air plane mode. The flight will take two-" right when she said that I cut her out. That flight attendant was ANNOYING. Her voice, the way she looked, her hair, ugh it's hard to explain. I put my ear buds in and looked out the window.

"Um excuse me mam but your phone has to be on air plane mode." The annoying attendant announced.
"It is." I said looking back out the window.

"No it's not please put it on." She demanded.
"I just told you it's on now can you please leave?" I asked trying to be polite.

"Mam it's not on if your listening to music." She snarled.

"Give me your phone. Look look! It's on air plane mood. Now shut up please!" Shawn exclaimed.

"Oh. My bad I'm sorry." She batted her eyelashes and walked away.
"She's on my death list now." I muttered then went back to day dreaming listening to Loving Someone by The 1975.

After the little fight I had with the stupid flight attendant, the plane took off. Fifteen minutes later, we were up in the clouds. It was pretty. The blue and white mixed well. I looked over to see Shawn reading on his phone so I put my head on his shoulder and took a small nap.

"Ladies and gentlemen men. We're having a problem in the the cockpit. The engine has stopped so the plane is going down. We need you to unbuckle your seat belts and get your life vests on. The water will be cold but we're close to land." The flight attendant rushed.

Everyone started freaking out and screaming 'I dont wanna die!" Or 'lord please save me." I sat there unable to move while Shawn sat next to me asleep.

"Shawn wake up! The plane is going down!" I screamed. He wasn't waking up so I began shaking him. I checked if he was breathing which he wasn't.

"Oh my god! Shawn wake up! Wake up come on don't be dead." I screamed with tears threatening to spill.

Wait. I looked around to see everyone staring at me. And Anna was there. So was my aunt and uncle. But I thought they were all dead.

It's a nightmare.

"Lily." They said at once.
"Lily!" The voices got louder and louder until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

My eyes jolted open and I looked around.
"Lil are you ok?" Kay asked me.
"Uh.. Y-yeah. Fine." I faked smiled and got up. Shawn looked at me funny and wrapped his arm around my neck.

"You sure your ok?" He whispered.
"I'm fine. I promise." I lied smiling weakly. That was one of the weirdest dreams I've ever had. But why was was Anna, uncle drew and aunt sam there. Does that mean something?

Is someone gonna die?

"What?" Shawn asked.
"Ooh uh nothing just thinking." I quickly flashed a smile and walked over to Matt. This is gonna be a long day.
Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter. Kind of a filler though. Sorry I took so long to update. I had a presentation to prepare for all week so I couldn't get to this.

But it's over! Yay! So about Lily's nightmare, I had a nightmare like that before so I was like 'oh I should put that in.'

Today is so gosh dang hot! We went out for gym and I almost fainted. To dehydrated. Now I'm sitting in my dads office waiting for him.

Don't Be A Fool comes out tonight!! Time to order it!

That's it for now. Gonna update again. Peace out potatoes!


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