•Chapter 19-Cold•

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Before I begin the chapter, I need to rant. Billboard has some serious explaining to do. How dare they go and change Shawn's words? Just for freaking publicity!?! It's total BS!! He explained that he's growing up and so are we and how it takes time for us to understand him and for him to understand us! He has the right to be mad/frustrated with them. It's just dumb for them to turn his words around. BS. We all love Shawn a lot and he loves us too. Now that I'm done freaking ranting, here's a new chapter.
Lily's POV
The room was cold and dark. Shawn and I were holding each other like our lives depended on it. Actually, it did. They haven't fed us anything and only gave us at least a bottle cap of water. Not a lot at all. The only warmth we had was each other and our clothes. I had on a sweatshirt with some leggings while he had on a t-shirt and cacky shorts. We switched with my sweatshirt so if we were ever cold, one of us cold use it.

"Are they awake?" I heard Alex's voice.
"I don't know but go wake them up." Richards voice spoke. The have metal door opened up and showed Alex's stupid face.
"Oh your up. What about the wimp?" He slightly kicked his calf.
"What does it look like?" I snapped. Alex rolled his eyes.
"Just wake him up." Then he walked out.

"Shawn wake up." I whispered. He groaned a bit but kept his eyes clothes.
"Come on wake up." I kept shaking his arm until his eyes finally opened. He sat up and shook his head.
"I'm slowly dying of thirst." He mumbled.
"I know so am I." I agreed. We sat in silence staring at the wall across form us. There was a window connected to it so we could get some kind of light. But it was white outside.

I got up and walked over to it. Snow. White light flurries fell from the sky to the cold coated ground. It was at least three inches and bare able enough to walk through.
"It's snowing outside. Look." I waved Shawn over. He looked out and huffed.
"There's supposed to be a blizzard tonight. We need to leave around six and will arrive at ten in Vancouver at eight. Then we tackle the bait." These walls were thin enough to to here a pin drop.

"Vancouver..Vancouver.. Vancouver!" Shawn muttered then shouted.
"What's in Vancouver?" I asked.
"My dad. They're gonna get him. I can't let that happen. They're gonna kill him!" He exclaimed.
"What are we gonna do because after they get to your dad, they're gonna get to mine." I just noticed.
"I don't know but-" the door suddenly swung open and in cam James.

"Hello dim wits. So we will be leaving soon. I hate to go so early. I just got to start knowing you two. It's sad. But at least I'm going to to get what I've been waiting for." He smirked.
"What?" I was confused by that whole sentence.
"I'm going to go get what I've been wanting for a long time." He said again.
"What?" This time Shawn said it.
"Forget it!" He shouted.

"Are we coming?" I asked.
"No. Sorry there's not enough room for stupidity in the car." We clicked his tongue then smiled evilly.
"Well I gotta get going but I hope you guys have fun tonight." He was about to walk out when Shawn interrupted him.
"What's tonight?" He asked.
"Oh you didn't hear? The blizzard. It's a very major and dangerous one. This house might even be knocked over by a gust of wind. So good luck. Sike!" James walked out and shut the door.

But then I heard an extra lock or two.
"The window." Shawn instructed. We rushed over until I saw Alex behind it smiling.
"Sorry! Windows locked!" He smiled, waved, then left.
"We're trapped. How are we gonna get out?" I asked.
"I don't think there's a way. Let's just come up with a plan for now." We sat against the wall.

Matt's POV
Gilinsky just broke up with Madison. Thank god. Less drama in the house now. All day we've been checking in with the police but they still said that there was no sign of Lily and Shawn. No traces, tracks, even the littlest of hints from them.

Her parents have called twice but Kayleigh handled it. Aaliyah is trying her best to cope without her brother by her side. So me and JJ were their old siblings right now.
"Guys it's the Officer Kaine." We've come to known the cops names by; Officer Kaine and Officer Steele.
"Officer Kaine hi. Did you find anything yet?" Cameron asked.

"We haven't found any traces of them yet but certainly some clues. Officer Steele has found knives and guns with hand prints on them. She said that she'll take it back to the office and get it checked out. Also, I found some phone numbers in the drawer with the weapons. I'm gonna call them later." He informed us.
"Ok thank you." Cameron hung up and sat back.

Then there was a knock at the door.
"I got it." I said then got up and went over to it. Once I opened the door, I saw my favorite Asian.
"Carter!!" I exclaimed. I lunged on him until he pushed me off.
"Hi Matt." He pat my head then walked in. Everyone said their hi's then got back to their serious tone.
"Wheres Shawn and Lily?" He asked. Carter went on a trip with his family so he doesn't know anything.

"They've been kidnapped by Shawn and Aaliyah's step dad and brother. And now we don't know where the heck they are!" Cameron exclaimed frustratingly.
"Oh. Wow. That's uh like really sad. Well I hope they're ok because there's supposed to be a major blizzard tonight. And when I say major, I mean it." He told us. I went to the weather app on my phone and saw that Carter was right.

Kay turned the news on and they were talking about it.
"A major blizzard storm is hitting around eight. Heavy snow fall and winds will take place. Stay indoors at all times. And if you're out, be careful of the ice. I will keep you updated on the Blizzard Alec. I'm Veronica Mastic with your weather news." The lady I've come to love for reason spoke. I always thought that that thirty two year old was pretty.

"Matt shut up! Ew you're so perverted!" Nash exclaimed. I laughed.
"Ugh Shawn and Lily I hoped your ok." I heard Kay mumble.
Lily's POV
I think at least two hours passed and we've come up with an idea. Kinda. Shawn was gonna run into the window until it broke. His idea. Not mine. The blizzard was already staring but it was light so far. He ran into it really hard until the lock broke and he fell threw.

I walked over and saw him standing. We made our way out and into the cold woods. We walked for about a couple of minutes and I've already felt numb.

An hour passes and I'm starting to feel weird.

Hour two I'm leaning on Shawn for support.

Hour two and five minutes I'm falling.

Then I'm being dragged and pass out.

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