On My Own

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Dean ran to Matt and me, grabbing Matt's shirt and throwing him against a bookshelf. An avalanche of books fell on Matt's head, but he didn't seem to notice. He was too focused on Dean, who was about to pick him up from the ground. Before Dean could touch him, Matt jumped at him and threw a punch with his left hand. His fist landed on Dean's jaw, nearly shattering it with the amount of force.

My dad didn't hesitate to fight back. With his right fist, Dean swung at Matt's temple, but the angel ducked in time. He was able to swing his leg and trip Dean, pinning him to the ground with a death grip on his throat.

I could stand this no longer, but when I went to interfere, my uncle grabbed my shoulders to stop me. Of course I was strong, but he kept his arms around my shoulders, preventing me from punching or kicking my way free.

Dean's face was turning red from lack of oxygen. I screamed, "Matt, stop! You're choking him!" Matt looked back at me and grip loosened just enough for Dean to roll him over and pin him. Dean pulled an animal-jawbone-type blade from a sheath and held it at Matt's throat, the edge pushing against Matt's skin.

The blade shook and a mark on Dean's forearm, the same one that the demons carved into my own a forearm, the Mark of Cain started to glow red hot. Blood lust showed in my dad's and I saw that he would not hesitate to kill Matt. Sam released me and raced with me to stop the fight. Sam went to pull Dean off of Matt, but I went for the knife. I yanked the blade from my dad's hands and a slideshow of deaths appeared in my head, but I had no clue why I was seeing them.

But then I realized that there was one person common in all of them. I knew the face of the man, but the evil he was doing made me rethink his identity. He had black eyes, light brown hair, and wore flannel. My father, Dean Winchester, was a Knight of Hell and was killing for fun. When the slideshow ended, I was left standing there, the blade shaking in my hands and my scar itching. Everyone was staring at me in fear. Sam was walking closer to me, his hands stretched out to take the blade from me.

"Dean? Did you really kill all those people?" I asked shakily. He looked away and Sam worked the knife from my hands. I stood there, still shaking, until I sprinted out to the garage. Matt and Dean tried to chase after me, but by the time they caught up I was already driving through the open garage door.

I drove for about ten minutes, those images still fresh in my mind. But then again, when would they seem like memories? I still couldn't get over the fact that Dean had become a demon. Damn that Crowley, I thought, slamming my palm onto the steering wheel. Angry tears burned my eyes, so I swiped them away with my sleeve. Rain was hitting my windshield and it was getting hard to see. The old windshield wipers weren't cutting it, either.

I kept my hands on the wheel as I noticed a strange heat coming from the passenger seat. I glanced over and saw that Matt had popped in for a visit. I screamed and swerved on the slick road, the tires spinning as I slammed on the brakes. When the car finally came to shrieking stop, I got out, slamming the car door behind me, and started to walk down the road through the rain. "Jack!" called Matt while closing the passenger side door. The rain made me chill to the bone, so I crossed my arms over my chest as my wet curls stuck to my face. "Jack, wait up!"

"No, I'm not going to wait up." I yelled back, turning and walking backwards for a few steps. Matt was really close now, nearly five feet away. He grabbed my arm, but I yanked it back and looked him in the eye.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked, not dropping my gaze.

"What do you mean, 'What's wrong with me?' I just found out that Crowley, the guy that kept me hell bound, turned my dad into a Knight of Hell and made him kill for almost a year. How would you react?" I asked, sarcastically. I pushed past him and started toward my car.

"I wouldn't have been that immature as to just run away. You can't just run off and hold every in." He lectured, following me.

"Watch me. I'm going to work this djinn case on my own. And if you even try to do one of those appearing acts on me," I threatened, sitting in the driver seat. "I'll kill you." I slammed my door and sped off down the highway, leaving Matt in the rain.


I had arrived in Denver, Colorado at around one in the morning. I found some motel, Dean-o's, just outside of the city. The irony in that name made me smile, but then the death scenes came back. I walked into the motel after freezing my ass off in the snow, but wore a mischievous frown. The man at the front desk looked Indian, but with lighter skin and green eyes.

"What can I help you with, ma'am?" he asked with a heavy Indian accent. I pulled out my wallet and grabbed six-hundred dollars.

"A room. Six nights. Any one you've got will be fine." I answered, plopping the money on the counter. The guy eyed my suspiciously, but complied by putting a key on the table.

"May I have your name please, ma'am?" The man questioned again. It only took me a second to come up with an alias.

"Jessie Wyble." I said, swiping the key and signing my alias onto the paper.

"Have a goodnight, Miss Wyble." I nodded, then walked toward my room. Once I got to lucky number 8, I slid the key card into the slot and walked into the two-queened bedroom. I threw my bag onto one of the beds and headed for the bathroom.

It had been days since my last shower and I didn't exactly smell like a basket of roses. After I stripped, I stepped into the hot shower and let the boiling water roll onto my skin. There was a shaving mirror attached to the wall, but when I looked into it, I didn't see myself. My eyes were black and my mouth was curved into a wicked smile. I blinked a few times in shock and wiped the fog from the mirror, but nothing was out of the ordinary now.

I started to hyperventilate, so I shut off the water and stepped out of the shower. After wrapping myself in a towel, I walked out of the sauna and back into the empty room. Well, I thought it was empty. But when I opened my bag, I heard someone sit down behind me. My instincts told me to grab my gun, load it, and send a bullet through the son of a bitch's brain. So, that's what I did, minus pulling the trigger.

"Hello, darling." Crowley said, sipping from a fancy drink with a tiny umbrella sticking out.

Heaven And Hell{Sequel to "Born to Be a Hunter"}Where stories live. Discover now