Michael the Archangel? More like Michael the Douchebag!

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Dean was more shocked than relieved to see Castiel appear behind him, but he was too caught up in the moment to act cool.

"Cas." Dean's confidence wavered exponentially, but all he could do was stare at the man.

"I heard your prayer." Cas replied, not knowing what else to say. He looked past Dean and to Jack. He walked over and put his hand on her head, feeling that she was running out of time. "Jackline. What happened to her, Dean?"

Dean was still in awe, "Um . . . She was taken by a djinn and -for some reason- the poison is taking its toll. She's not healing."

Cas' glowing hand wove over her face and furrowed his eyebrows, "I'll do my best." After a few moments, he spoke again. "There is something very . . . familiar preventing her demon blood from healing her, but I just can't detect it fully."

A door opened and Matt stepped out with Sam close behind, standing there still and just staring at Cas. "Castiel." He said, sounding as shocked as Dean.

"Hello, brother." Cas smiled, but that was the last thing Matt wanted to hear. Matt charged Castiel without a second thought and started throwing punches, but Sam put him in a full nelson.

"That's enough!" Sam yelled as Dean just observed the situation cautiously. Matt tried to slip free, but Sam's grip was too strong.

"You stay away from Jack, you son of a bitch!" Matt snapped at his brother. Cas looked shocked, an image of complete innocence. "I was in hell for five hundred years because of you."

Dean decided to step in then, "Okay, what happened?" He stepped between the two of them, blocking Cas from his brother.

"You see your buddy over there? I didn't know jack squat about him other than his name until hell." Matt said, no longer fighting Sam's hold. "The demons asked me his plans, but I didn't know. So instead of believing me, they tried to get me to talk, but I couldn't tell them anything." Sam released him and he rolled his shoulders.

"Brother, I had no part in this." Cas tried to explain his ignorance as he walked closer to Matt, but Dean put an arm out to stop him from going any farther.

Matt stared at him, "Maybe not, but you didn't do anything about it." He walked around them and went to Jack again, grabbing her hand. He was confused. "She's healing."

"How do you know?" Sam asked, cautiously.

"Her heart rate has improved rather greatly and I can see her blood running through her veins." Cas finished. Matt glared at him and cursed him under his breath.

But something else was up. Her skin was glowing literally as she healed. Pulses of light filled the room with every pump of her heart. It was like a beacon and it gave the men a bad feeling.

Once the light cleared, angels stood around Jack just as she woke. Matt, Sam, and Dean stood in front of Jack protectively, preparing themselves for what was to come and Cas had fled. Michael stood in the middle and wore white robes with his sword at his hip.


I was still weak, but strong enough to sit up. I saw all the angels and pulled the blanket over my shoulders, my messy curls falling over my shoulders.

"Guys?" I asked, eyes wide and scared. The angel I saw a Michael stepped closer, but Sam and Dean closed the gap between themselves, hiding me.

Michael rolled his eyes, "I do not have time for your games, Winchesters. I have been sent to retrieve the girl."

"You're not laying a finger on my daughter." Dean stated, plainly. That seemed to piss the angel off, so he wove his hand and Dean and Sam flew to the wall. I started to pant nervously as Michael walked closer, but Matt stood in the way.

"You don't have to do this, Michael." He said and I knew he wouldn't give me up that easily.

"I don't have a choice." Michael said, trying to push him away, but Matt refused to budge.

And with just a touch on the shoulder, Matt spit up blood and collapsed on the floor in front of me. I dropped to the floor and tried to roll him over, but he stayed on his stomach.

"Matt!" I cried, trying to help. I looked up at Michael. "What the hell did you do to him?"

He sighed, "He's hemorrhaging. Now, you can either come with me the easy way or the hard way."

"Go to hell, you bastard." I fumed. He sighed again and snapped his fingers. Dean and Sam fell and were in the same state as Matt. Everyone stopped moving, their eyes still open, and my emotions started to run wild.

"No." I cried, repeating it until Michael started to laugh. I looked up at him, tears streaming down my face and my hands started to glow, one hand red and the other a light blue. I fell back on my knees and cried.

Michael was afraid as the glowing filled the room and I screamed. "No!" My voice boomed so much that the room shook and all the angels covered their ears. I stopped and I fell over Matt, sobbing into his body.

I felt him move beneath me and I heard Sam start coughing. Matt started to sit up and Dean wiped the blood from his mouth. They seemed healed.

"Jack?" Matt asked. I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. He released me and smiled at me through bloody teeth.

I stood then ran to my dad and uncle, jumping to hug them both at the same time. "I'm glad you guys are okay." They hugged me back just as I heard Michael groan in pain.

Every angel was on the ground moaning in pain and my first priority was Michael. I walked over and looked down at him, tears still running.

"Stay away from me." He panted, crawling away. I bent down and threw a punch across his face. I fell over him, but myself back up after knocking him out.

"Don't mess with my family, bitch." I sighed.

The lights started to flicker and the room started to shake again. We moved together as a door flew open and a man smaller than me walked through. He had a mustache and beard and wore an old, Led Zeppelin shirt with jeans. Cas was close behind as the lightbulbs stopped flickering and the room stopped moving.

"Chuck?" Sam asked, stunned.

The man smiled, "Hi guys."

Heaven And Hell{Sequel to "Born to Be a Hunter"}Where stories live. Discover now