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I sat in Dean's room, admiring all the guns on the walls, just picturing his smile. It was so cheesy, so dad-like, so imperfect, but it was all he could give me at the moment and it made me want to see it again.

I sat on my father's bed. It was memory foam and I could only imagine what he said when Sam asked about it. God knows he says some weird things when he's happy or just in general. Dean was an all-around good guy . . . once you got to know him that is. At first glance, you might see him as a menace. Hell, the feds even charged him for grave desecration, credit card fraud, and murder; but what do they know? Nothing about hunters, that is.

A knock on the door made me jump, but I didn't move to answer it. When I didn't say anything, Matt walked in rubbing the back of his head. I was cradled with my knees to my chest and my hand covering my mother's necklace.

"Hey, babe." He said, coming to sit on the side of the bed next to me. I moved to the headboard and hid my face, earning a sigh from him. "Look, I know you're scared. I am too. But you don't have to hide it from me. I know that you'll get through – that we'll get through this."

"Really? Is that what you know?" I laughed sarcastically, turning and looking over my shoulder to look at him with a confident-faking smile. "The truth is I don't know what to think about this whole thing."

He looked confused, "What do you mean?"

"I mean what would have happened if I wasn't born like this?" I looked him in the eye. "I'm a freaking demon, Matt. I'm supposed to be evil. But I'm also part angel, which are supposed to the good guys. I'm a freak!"

"You are not a freak, Jack." Matt tried to convince me, putting a hand on my back and talking as if to a child.

"You know what? Stow the touchy, feely, self-help crap, alright. I'm 19, almost 20, in fact. I'm not a two-year-old who just lost a toy." I said, seriously, pushing away his hand.

Matt started to get angry, "Well, I'm just trying to help the situation. You want to handle this on your own, be my guest. Just know that I won't be coming back." He got up and was about to leave me alone in the room.

"Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out." I called then he slammed the door.

Not five minutes later, I decided I needed a break. I got dressed, got in the car and drove to the nearest bar. When I got there, it was mostly empty so I sat at the bar and signaled the bartender over.

"Anything I can get you, little lady?" he asked, looking at me playfully.

"A club soda and a little less testosterone please." I said, telling him to back off. He nodded, defeated, and frowned.

"I.D." he demanded plainly and I pulled out a fake one that said I was twenty-two. He lazily brought my drink.

"Jackie? A little young to be drinking, aren't you?" called a voice behind me. It was British, by the way. Hint! Hint!

"It's soda, Crowley. Go away." I replied, taking a sip from a straw. I glanced over my shoulder and saw him walking to the bar. He sat next to me and orders a shot.

"I'm just here to drink." He said with a straight face. "Just drink and talk." He downed his first then held two fingers up at the bartender and he brought us two more drinks. "I hear that you've been promoted."

"Word travels fast. That happened, what, 7-8 hours ago." I guessed.

Crowley laughed, "The word always works its way to the top, eventually." Oh, he pitched one right down the middle with that one.

"So it got to you around noon?" I smiled. "You would have heard immediately since, you know, you're at the very, very, very bottom." I emphasized drastically.

"Very funny." He sipped his shot as soon as it arrived but I just stared at it. "Anyway, I came to discuss a bargain."

I looked at him, "You know bargains only work if the other person wants something you've got. You have nothing I want, Crowl's."

He ignored me and just continued to talk, "You have my full support in the upcoming war."

"What war?" He laughed in my face like a total jerk, but when he saw I was serious, he seemed more amused.

"The war between Heaven and Hell? Good and Evil? Light and Dark? Well, you get the gist." He took another shot and drank that one too. Realization set in and I started to panic.

"Heaven and Hell both want bargaining chips against me." I whispered to myself. "Hell's got Dean."

Crowley leaned closer, "And who does Heaven have?" I thought for a second then looked at him.

I jumped off the bar stool and headed for the door, "Thanks, Crowley."

"Anything to help, sweetheart." He called after me and I rushed out to my Camaro. It roared to life and I raced back to the bunker, pulling out my phone and dialing a number. It rang but was never answered.

"Hi, you've reached Mathias, but I am unavailable at the moment. Please leave your name and number after the beep." Said the voicemail.

"Matt, baby? Pick up the damn phone!" the I hung up.

Heaven And Hell{Sequel to "Born to Be a Hunter"}Where stories live. Discover now