Where are you?

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I slowly sat on the bed and covered my mouth. The woman before me had been ripped apart by hellhounds then blown apart by a homemade bomb, yet she stood in one piece. After a moment of silence, I broke into tears. My mother walked over and wrapped her arms around me, taking in my sobs.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" she asked, checking me for injuries. "Are you on your Lady's Days?"

Okay, I would have been happy to see my mom in person any day, but one of the first things she asks me is if I'm on my period? Too strange.

"What? No, it's just," I started, wiping the tears from my cheeks. "I've missed you." I squeezed her and didn't want to let go. She glanced at Dean then back at me.

"We spoke last night, babe." She said, swiping my bangs from my teary eyes. "Why don't you come eat, huh? Its almost ten A.M." I nodded and she led me downstairs to a kitchen, the smell of breakfast in the air.

Dean grabbed a plate and put eggs and bacon on it while Mom poured some orange juice into a glass. She spilled some and cursed under her breath as she wiped it up with a paper towel.

"So, what do we have planned for today?" I asked, taking a bite of bacon.

Dean smiled, "It's kind of your birthday. No biggie." I cocked my head to the side and shoved eggs into my already overflowing mouth.

Make that fifteen years old.

"And we were planning to have your birthday party here with all your friends." Mom said, pulling a big cake from the fridge.

"What friends?" I said honestly, but my parents started to laugh. They stopped and saw how serious I was.

"What about Tammy, Sarah, or Amber?" Mom asked. I shook my head. I didn't know who they were, but they all sounded like prissy princesses with IPhones and closets full of expensive clothes and shoes.

"Can we just have a normal day? It's not like it's a special day or anything." I said plainly. My parents glanced at each other and back at me.

"Okay, Ms. Normal. What do you have in mind?" Dean asked, crossing his arms.

"Any cases?" I asked, shoveling more food into my mouth. Dean tilted his head. Man, being constantly questioned is annoying. "You know, monsters? The family business?"

"Did you fall out of bed and hit your head this morning?" Mom asked, Dean laughed and took some bacon from my plate.

"Eh!" I scolded, slapping his shoulder and he crumbled to escape any further blows. Mom slapped him as well, but he seemed unaffected. His eyes lit up as if he remembered something then tossed me a blackberry phone.

"Matt texted you. He wants to meet you for Fro-Yo, whatever the Hell that is." Dean explained. "He said he was coming to get you in . . . what? Five minutes?" I dropped my fork and looked up.

"Matthias is here?" I asked, astonished. Mom smiled and started to clean the kitchen. "Yes, and I suggest you hurry and get dressed." She said. I dashed for my room, scrambling for a plaid shirt, jeans, and commando boots. But there was none, only dresses, skirts, and high heels.

"What the?" I asked, pulling off a green dress from its hanger and slipping on white heels. "The only time I actually care about my appearance, the only thing available are uncomfortable clothes." But I got dressed any way then hauled ass downstairs.

"She was so excited to know you were coming." I heard Mom say first. A subtle laugh came next, one that I was almost too happy to hear. As I walked through the kitchen and into the living room, Dean and Mom stood side-by-side until they heard me come down. Dean turned with a stern expression and his shoulders back; he was in "intimidation mode."

"Look who decided to come down from her nest." Matt said, just as I locked eyes with him. He was smiling his lip-sided grin and he had all his weight on his left leg, same ol' Matt. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, fro-yo!" I said, walking closer to him and grabbing his arm. "Let's do this thing!" And I pulled him out of the house.


Dean tried Jack's phone over and over again, but he still got no answer. Since his fatherly instincts weren't of use, his hunter instincts kicked in. He tracked Jack to the third hotel that was listed in the phone book of Denver, Dean-o's Motel. After he'd changed into his suit, he spotted Jack's Camaro outside of the motel then made his way to the front desk.

As soon as he walked in, a man of Indian descent was flipping through a "Busty Beauties" magazine, but quickly slipped it under the counter.

"Really?" Dean said as sweat beaded down the man's face.

"Can I help you, sir?" the man said, pulling out a log book and writing down the date.

Dean flashed his fake badge, "Agent Smith, FBI. I'm looking for a girl, looks about 19 years old. About yea tall," he said raising his hand to eye level to show Jack's height. "Brown hair, green eyes?"

"Yes. She showed up a couple days ago, but she hasn't been back since yesterday morning. Jessie Wyble, I believe her name was." The man said, pulling a spare key from under the counter. "Here's her room key, my friend." Dean swiped the key and headed for the room number 8. Once he got there, he opened the door and saw that all his daughter's weapons, books, and salt containers were spread out across one of the two, queen beds. Even her car keys were on the bed, but the room was too neat to be a Winchester's. All of their rooms were messy, no matter what.

Dean saw this and started to pull out his phone, dialing his brother's number as quickly as he could. But when the ringing ended and the voicemail started to play, Dean started to get pissed.

"Uh, hey. Sam can't talk right now 'cause he's waxing-- like everything. But leave a message." Dean's own voice said, but Sam's soon came in through the speaker.

"Dude! What are you doing with my phone? Dean. Come on." Then there was a long beep signaling Dean to speak.

"Sam. It's me. I'm in Denver and I just wanted to give you a heads up. If you don't hear back from me in the next six hours, get your ass up here. You know what could happen, so do your job and get up here, yah' hear me?" He turned off his phone and started where Jack left off.

Heaven And Hell{Sequel to "Born to Be a Hunter"}Where stories live. Discover now