Heaven and Hell

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The next day passed fairly quickly. I didn't do much other than practice shooting, knife attacks and defensive moves, and hand-to-hand combat. But my shot was perfect, my moves would suffice, and my combat skills were spot on.

I tried to sleep in Dean's bed, but I didn't fall asleep until midnight and even then I was restless. I woke up in the war room with Lucifer standing across from me.

"Hey." He said with an innocent smile.

"Am I dreaming?" I asked, knowing the answer before he said it. He shrugged and took one step closer.

"It was the only way we could take in private." He said, casually. "You need to listen to me. Tomorrow, the sky will look like it is cracking. It will look like lava bubbling. When you see that head for the place where you rose from Hell. You get there, that's where the battle will be."

Then I woke up in sweats with Sam shaking me saying, "Jack, wake up!"

"What were you dreaming about?" he asked, his hands still on my shoulders. I looked at the clock on Dean's wall.


I looked back at my uncle, "Get dressed. We gotta go." I jumped out of bed and scrabbled to the bathroom, grabbing my blue, plaid shirt, jeans and combat boots.

"For what?"

I poked my head, from behind the door. "The war's today. We need to go where I was buried. That's where it is."


I stared at him honestly, "When the sky catches fire."


Sam and I sat in the Impala, me in the driver's seat and Sam in the passengers. The sky looked like bubbling magma and everything, vegetation and animals, started to die. The field where I rose was covered in brown grass. The air even smelled like death. I kept looking at the field and waiting for the bosses to show.

"You okay?" Sam asked. I hadn't noticed that I was holding my breath. I glanced back at him.

"No. I'm about to fight the biggest baddies in the world." I said as seriously as possible. "I'm pretty freaked." I laughed. "I mean have you guys faced anything like this?"

He shook his head, "But everything we have faced, we've come out okay. We'll survive this."

I turned toward the field again, "Maybe this is the time we don't come out in one piece."

"Jack don't thi-" my uncle started, but I spotted someone in the field, their back turned to me. Before Sam could say anything else I dashed for him.

"Dean!" I yelled as I ran. Sam tried to tell me to stop but I couldn't. He turned with tears and I knew something was wrong. He was all carved up. His face bruised and bloody, his t-shirt drenched in red, and his legs wobbly. I froze. To my right, Matt was kneeling with glowing chains holding him to the ground.

Lucifer and an army of demons stood behind Dean. Ivy and an army of angels and humans stood behind Matt. And I was caught smack in the middle.

"Oh hyah, Jackie." Grabbing Matt's hair and yanking his head back. "Long time, no see." I wanted to run to Matt and kick Ivy's ego down her throat.

Dean dropped to the ground, unable to keep himself standing. Matt was breathing heavy, silently telling me to run, to safe myself.

I felt Sam walk up behind me. Cas appeared and put his hand on my shoulder when I turned to thank him quietly. Crowley appeared too with his army of followers.

"Whenever you're ready, Jack." Crowley said, his hands inside of his coat pockets.

"We've got your back." Cas added.

"Let's do this." Sam said, pulling out his demon knife. I grabbed my angel blade and took a calming breath.

"Crowley, send your soldiers to fight the others. All three of you go for Lucifer. I'm going after Ivy."

"See you all after the battle." Crowley added.

Then it started, angels attacked angels, demons attacked demons. I ran for Ivy. She was ready of course. I jumped at her with lightning fast strikes. She would block every other one but dodged the rest. I swiped left and caught her shoulder. She came back with a jab to my arm, cutting clean through my bicep. Then she started throwing punches, hitting me left and right.

"A little slow there, Jackie. What's slowing you down?" Ivy said as she kicked at my knee, dislocating it. I felt the started to crawl away. I looked back as saw that the boys weren't doing much better. Crowley was down with a gash in his side. Cas' arm was falling unusually to his side. Sam had a huge slash at his hair line with broken fingers.

We weren't doing well. I saw my friends, my family, dying. I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and looked Ivy in the eye.

"Don't get up, little piggy. The big, bad wolf is just going to blow you down again." Lucifer called over the chaos of the battle. Bodies of fallen demons and angels scattered over the field, but some were still fighting.

I leaned on my good leg and I looked back at Cas lying on the ground. I knew what I had to do and he silently said, "Do it." I felt the warmth I felt before plus a blood curdling fire that I had felt in Hell.

My hands started to glow, blue and orange like before, except it was brighter and stronger and I had control over it. I pushed my power through my arms and to my hands. It pulsed as I pushed my hands together it. The light fused and every demon, every angel, other than Matt, Cas, and Crowley, disintegrated. Lucifer laid on the ground, turning to dust and flying into the bright blue sky.

I hopped over to his body, "Goodbye, Lucifer." And he smiled as he vanished. I turned and saw Cas helping Crowley to his feet and slinging his arm over Cas' shoulders.

"Sam, help Dean." I breathed as I fell and crawled over to Matt. I grabbed the glowing chains and yanked them to pieces.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Matt repeated, looking at the ground. I pulled both of us to stand and looked him in the eyes.

"Don't be. Matt, it's alright. It's okay." I said, leaning on him for support.

Ivy came up behind me and put an angel blade to my torso. Matt moved to grab it, but the point pressed against my lower belly.

"Move any closer and she dies."

Heaven And Hell{Sequel to "Born to Be a Hunter"}Where stories live. Discover now