Drunk Sammy, Ivy

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After driving to the bunker, I went to get Sam in the library. I first went to his room, but he wasn't there. I checked the kitchen, not there either. I finally went to the library, giving up on the search.

"Sam? Grab your stuff. We've got some summoning to do." I called as I entered the room; I heard glass shattering and a large thud. I rushed in to see a smashed whiskey bottle and Sam on the floor, his hair mussed from whipping his head side to side.

"Sam, are you okay?" I asked, grabbing his arm and pulling him off the ground. As soon as he could stand, he yanked his arm from me and fell into a wooden chair.

"What are you doing here?" he asked with a slur. His eyes were bloodshot and when he walked, he stumbled like a newborn calf.

I leaned closer to smell him and he smelled of booze. "Are you drunk?"

His eyes widened as I leaned toward him, "Yeah, so?"

What a hell of a hangover he's gonna have tomorrow. I thought, putting my hands on my hips and accessing the situation.

"You're tiny." he laughed, his arms falling over the sides of the chair. I glared at him and tapped my foot.

I grabbed his wrists, "Okay, you big baby. Time to go night-night!" I pulled him out the chair, but he yanked his wrists back.

He swiped the hair out of his face with the back of his hand, "Jackline, I'm a full-grown adult. I do not go 'night-night'." His head shook in emphasis, but it was obvious he was tired. Sam was falling forward, so I put his left arm over my shoulder and brought him to his room.

I nearly threw him onto his bed and he face-planted into the mattress. He sat up and I dropped to my knees, then started to unlace his boots.

He grabbed my shoulder, "Jack, can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" I looked up at him, eyebrows raised.

"Alright." Thinking it was extremely weird, but he was out of it, so I could do him this solid. I stood, laid him in his bed and covered him, brought his boots to the door, then sat in the chair adjacent to his bed.

"Jack?" he asked, like a child asking for it's mother to read one more book.

"Yes, Sam?" I sighed, rolling my eyes then looking down at him. He looked up at me with wide, puppy eyes as he pulled his blanket to his chin.

"Can you sing to me?"

I fussed, "What are you? Five?" He seemed hurt so he looked down in defeat. It hurt me to see him like this, so I gave. "Any requests?" When he shook his head, I looked up and thought for a second. Dean had told me about how their mother would sing to them when they were very small.

♪"Hey, Jude." ♪ I started and Sam's face lit up. ♪"Don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better."♪

After a couple other verses of horrible singing, Sam was out cold. Guess I have no back-up for this. I grabbed all the ingredients I needed and the summoning spell, then went the dungeon of the bunker to perform the ritual. I took all the necessary precautions before setting up the bowl and ingredients. I said the words then sliced open my hand for the blood. One drop was all it took and a lit match set the contents of the bowl aflame.

"What? A phone call wouldn't suffice?" said the angel I summoned. I stood up and looked her in the eye. "My, my, look how you've grown! Child to woman in just four years."

I laughed drily, "Yeah. Amazing what four hundred years in Hell could do, huh, Ivangelica?"

She sauntered closer, "Didn't I tell you to call me Ivy?"

I shrugged, "That was four years ago. I don't remember what I had this morning for breakfast." She kept walking closer, but she stopped about five feet in front of me. Confusion spread across her face as I smiled.

"What are you grinnin' at?" she asked meanly.

I decided to return the sass, "There's 'stupid' written on the ceiling." She looked up and saw what I drew, an angel trap.


I started to circle her, "Isn't it obvious?" She shook her head in fake ignorance. "You've got something of mine."

"Well, I wouldn't necessarily call him yours. He's my ex, babe. And he's mine again." She taunted me in a sing-song tone, "So, guess who's single."

"Not me." I replied the same way. "Me and Matt have an investment together and I'm sure he'd want to see it through."

She laughed, "Well, the only way to get him back is to take him. See you in two days, Jackie." Then she vanished into thin air. That's the thing about angels, they are pains in the ass when it comes to conversations and punctuality.

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