Welcome to the Jungle

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I was shocked that a man named Chuck made that much commotion with the lights and the room and the angels. Oh, did I fail to mention that after he walked with Cas, with a snap of his fingers, all the angels except for Matt and Cas disappeared.

"I'm sorry about all this, guys." Chuck said, crossing his arms. "Really, Michael is just a tight-ass in general."

"Hold on for a second," I stopped him, getting really confused. "Who are you to walk in here and claim responsibility for that-?"

Matt grabbed my arm, "Jack, honey, he's um . . . God." I looked at him and narrowed them.

"What?" my voice cracked. I looked at Dean then Sam and they both nodded.

"I didn't come to apologize for my son, though. I came for you, Jack." Chuck said before I could say anything else. "The prophecy has been fulfilled. The Parousia is now."

"The what-now?" Dean asked, raising his eyebrows. Cas tapped him to get his attention, but we all were too quiet not to hear it.

Cas said, "It's the second coming of the Messiah." I stood with my arms crossed and my mind whirling.

"Okay. Why is it now?" Sam asked, crossing his arms same as me. I looked back at him, but looked at Chuck -God- again.

"None of you get it, do you?" he asked, smiling at us. Sam shook his head and made his "that's good" face. "Jackline-"

"Jack." I corrected, tightening the blanket around my shoulders.

"Okay. Jack is the second Messiah."

That hit me like a brick. Like a really heavy brick of cement. How was this even possible?

"So, I'm some reincarnation of . . . Jesus?" I laughed, taking a few steps away from everyone and turned my back. Chuck nodded, not knowing how to explain it better.

"How is that even possible?" Matt asked, trying to comfort me with a hand holding. I shook it away, though.

"During his time, Jesus promised that he would come back and save every human soul from the clutches of Hell. You were born to finish the job." Chuck explained, talking to me but looking at Sam, Dean, and Cas.

I scoffed, "But why me?" Chuck looked back at me.

"When unborn children are sent into heaven, they become angels. But in your case, Crowley retrieved you before your journey was completed, while you were still being made an angel." Chuck continued. "You received grace and that doesn't leave unless it's taken out. You have your demon blood that makes you demon, but you also have a fair amount of grace to make angel. You are a balanced amount of demon and angel."

"But Jesus wasn't like that?" Sam asked, being the bookworm he is.

Chuck sighed, getting tired of talking. "The Bible tells that he was human and divine, but something got lost in translation because he was actually like you, devil and divine. His mother, Mary, was said to be sinless. She was a sinless Knight of Hell and Jesus' father was me so . . ."

I bit the tip of my finger nail as Matt yelled, "This is a load of crap!"

"Oh, really?" Chuck challenged, walking over to Matt, but Matt saw it as a threat and stepped in front of me. "Then how do you figure she did what she did to those other angels?!"

"I don't know, but she sure as hell isn't the Messiah." Matt protected, looking down at his dad.

"Why not?"

"Because I won't let her be!" Matt screamed, doing his best to keep up the tough guy act. The truth was that he was as scared as I was. "If she's the second Messiah, then something bad is gonna happen to her. I mean, look at what happened to the first one."

"It's her destiny." Chuck forced, repeating his cliché.

"It's bull." Dean cut in, doing the same as Matt and stepping in front of me. "If she's what you say she is, you need to find a different gal. Nobody's gonna touch my daughter without having any hell to pay."

I was really weak and felt like I was going to pass out. Plus, all this piling up on top? Oh, it's about all a girl my age could take. I stepped away, backing up and tripping over a chair. Dean and Matt went to help me up and see what's wrong, but I threw my arm and waved them away.

"No!" I cried, scrambling to my feet. "Stay away from me." I fell for the door and tried my best for the garage. I almost made it there, but some dude appeared before me. He was around 40, had blonde hair and a beer-belly.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, panting like crazy. I heard Sam running toward me, through the door.

"Jack?" He clopped to me just as the man was about to clap his hands. "Lucifer." But the man's hands closed and I was transported somewhere else, somewhere dark and . . . hot. I was tied to an over-sized, standing devil's trap with chains that could contain demons. I had been stripped down completely with only leather straps covering only my lady-parts. Tar bubbled in cauldrons near tables covered in an array of torture weapons.

I knew this place. All too well, in fact.

The man known as Lucifer stood in front of me, along with a random demon, smiling.

"Welcome back to The Jungle, Jackie." He said.

Heaven And Hell{Sequel to "Born to Be a Hunter"}Where stories live. Discover now