Dad with Guns VS. Boyfriend with Grace

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We all stood there, frozen. My dad aimed a gun at Matt. Sam aimed a gun at Kat. And I stood in the line of fire.

"Guys," I said nervously. "Put the guns down." They weren't budging, so I yelled, "Now!"

Sam and Dean slowly lowered their weapons and my heartrate slowed a little. Sam cleared his pistol chamber, but Dean kept his fully loaded.

"Jack, who are these kids?" Sam asked, taking deep breaths.

"They're the people who got me outta hell. Mathias found out what we needed for the spell and Kathrine helped me find the supplies." I explained, pointing to them. Dean tucked his gun into his jacket and looked Matt up and down.

I turned to Matt and hugged him, relieved that he was alright. "Hey, babe." He said, eyeing Dean wearily.

"I'm so glad you're okay." I sighed into his shoulder. "Any run-ins with Crowley?"

Matt shook his head, "No sign of him since we left." I laughed and released him, putting my hands on my hips.

"It's only a matter of time, yah know? He's going to find us, Jay." Kat said, tensing up as she looked at my moose-of-an-uncle.

"We have enough time, Kat." I said to my friend.

"Just enough to do what needs to be done." Matt added, crossing his arms. Dean walked closer to me and cleared his throat.

"Can we talk?" He asked, more like ordered. I narrowed my eyes at him and he yanked me away from my friends by my arm. Matt went to pull me back, but I shook my head at him.

Dean pulled me behind the Impala and shifted on his feet uncomfortably. He said, "So, I'm guessing there's no rugaru and uh . . . Crowley's coming after you? And enough time for what? What are you planning to do?"

"Listen," I started, glancing back at the tension between my uncle and Matt and Kat. "I was going to tell you, but I needed to find them."

"Your plan was to fill us in along the way?" He asked, crossing his arms and making a questioning face.

"Look, everything will be explained in a matter of time. But for right now? I want to get my family safe and out of the open." Then I walked back to Matt and Kat.


We all got back to the bunker without any words besides the curses Dean said as he chastised me for being hard-headed. Now, Matt and I sat in the library looking up whatever the Men of Letters had on heaven and the big man upstairs. Ever since I got back, all I could think about was finding Dean and Sam and getting to heaven. When I was in hell, I got word that a particular someone had escaped the cage, but it wasn't Lucifer.

"Anything?" I asked Matt, breaking his concentration. He jumped a little, but that's when I saw that he was reading out of the Book of Revelation. "The Bible, huh? Spoiler-alert: Jesus dies."

"Ha-ha. Like I didn't already know that." He mocked. He looked back at the book, "And to your earlier question: nothing so far."

I slammed my hands onto the table, "There has to be something here. They're the legendary Men of Letters, for crying out loud." The door to the kitchen opened and Dean walked in with two open bottles. He took a swig from a beer bottle and handed me the soda.

"Since when do you do homework?" He asked, giving Matt a sideways glance.

I started to closed all the books I had out. "Since I want to get back in the game. Seeing that I've been out for four years." I said, taking a big sip of Dr. Pepper. "I've spotted signs of a case. Ten people have been sucked dry in the past two weeks."

"Sounds like a djinn." Sam said, entering the room with Kat and a couple boxes of pizza. Matt rubbed his hands together and went to grab the boxes from Kat.

"A what?" I asked, almost ignoring the smell of the greasy, delicious food. Dean grabbed a piece of pizza and shoved about half of it into his mouth.

"It's a human-type creature with blue tattoos and the ability to make you sleep for the rest of your life." Dean said, full mouth and all. I closed my eyes and face palmed.

"Close your mouth, Dean." Sam said to his brother as he passed me a piece of pizza on a paper plate. I took a large bite and started to laugh obnoxiously.

"Close your mouth, Jack." Dean said. I shot him a look and he smiled happily, gaining an eye roll from Kat.

"Hypocrite." I mumbled, taking a swig of soda. I stood, grabbing my jacket and car keys. "Thanks for the pizza, Sam, but uh," I spun the keys on my fingers. "I'm gonna be out for a while."

Matt didn't hesitate to stand, "I'll go with you."

"No, you're not." Dean said almost immediately after. Matt glared at Dean and proceeded to walk toward me, wrapping an arm around my waist possessively. Dean walked over to Matt and pulled that arm away from me, meeting Matt toe-to-toe. They stood there staring angrily into the other's eyes, trying to prove that he was the more dominant.

"You going to do something about it, Dean-o?" Matt growled. Dean's top lip started to shake and twitch.

"If you're gonna swing, swing." My father commanded, not blinking or dropping my boyfriend's gaze for a second.

"I'm not afraid to hit an old man." Matt returned.

I walked to them and wedged myself between the two guys. "Alright, you two. Put your junk away." They didn't move until I pushed my arms out to separate them. "I said, that's enough! Can the two of you stop acting like children?"

Dean was the first to step away, turning and walking back toward the table. Matt kept his eyes on him, but eventually gave to me pulling him toward the door. Matt was not finished, though. Under his breath, he mumbled something that set my dad off.

"Dick." Matt said. Dean stopped in his tracks, turning his head just enough to see Matt's back.

"Damn." I heard Sam sigh. Dean was going to kill Matt.

That is, if I didn't stop him.

Heaven And Hell{Sequel to "Born to Be a Hunter"}Where stories live. Discover now