Selling Sam, Dean's Awakening

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It was a few hours until Sam woke up and by then we were already three-quarters of the way to Denver. He had slept peacefully until then and I'd cleaned the cut in his head, putting a bandage on it. He started to shift in his seat and his hand flew to his newly-bruised temple.

"Dammit." He mumbled. I glanced at him and frowned. "Jack? What's- what's?"

"Everything's alright. You'll just have to trust me on this." I said, keeping my eyes on the road.

"Trust you? You knocked me out with a gun!" he yelled, squinting his eyes and put both hands on his head. "Okay, we need to get you to a doctor."

"I'm telling you, I'm not insane." I forced, but I even sounded crazy to myself. "Give me a chance."

My uncle sighed, "Fine. Start explaining." I took a deep breath and sorted out what I wanted to tell him and what I didn't.

"This world you're livin' in, it's fake. It's a figment of my imagination. The djinn, the monster that sent me here, has me in some kind of coma and this is just a dream—a perfect world, in fact." I whimpered, clenching the steering wheel in my hands. "The funny part is that there's nothing perfect about it."

"What are talking about? A perfect world?" Sam asked, keeping an eye on my hands.

"This world isn't like mine at all. My world is full of monsters and demons and hunters, who find and gank those evil bastards. You, Dean, Matt, Kat, and me: all hunters. You and Dean are two of the best." I explained, Sam was getting a little antsy, though.

"Kat? My daughter? She's only a child! And so are you." He fussed. Okay, now I was starting to get angry.

"Not in my world. There, Kat's sixteen, Matt and I are both nineteen. Kat's a witch, great-granddaughter of a vampire, Matt is Mathias the angel of the Lord, and I'm a demon." Sam scoffed in disbelief. "I know it sounds like junk, but it's real. All of it."

"I don't believe it." He mumbled.

I laughed, "And I don't expect you to. But you gotta trust me. Just for the next twenty-four hours. Deal?" I held out my left hand.

"Deal." He replied, shaking my hand then turning toward the window. I sighed and looked at the cuff of my jacket.

"This is gonna be a long ride." I mumbled, glancing at the radio. "How 'bout some music?" I turned on the radio and the first song the came on was "Renegade" by Styx.

♪ "Oh, Mama. I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law." ♪ It played through the car. I started to sing along with it, but I was terribly off key, my voice cracking at all the high notes. My uncle laughed and eventually started to mumble the words a little more on key than me.

♪ "The jig is up, the news is out, they've finally found me. The renegade who had it made retrieved for a bounty." ♪ we belted. He both had silly smiles on our faces, but we were enjoying ourselves nonetheless. ♪ "Never more to go astray. This will be the end today, of the wanted man." ♪

"You sound just like Dean." He laughed over the music. I gave him a look.

"The off key singing or the yelling?" I asked, chuckling slightly.

He yelled, "Both." I stopped singing and just stared at the road ahead. Did I have some stories to tell when I got back.


Dean was sure that it was the right time to get Jack back. Absolutely sure. He had his silver, lamb-bloodied knife in hand and his pistol locked and loaded in his pocket. Who knows how late he was, though.

As the Impala came to a stop in front of the diner, Dean readied himself for a fight, pulling out his knife and hiding it in his jacket. He stepped out of his car and made his way to the storage units with bolt cutters in hand. Once he cut the lock on the door, he pushed it up and maneuvered around the shelves and shelves of jars of blood.

A jar shattered behind him and he spun on the balls of his feet, readying his hands. When nothing appeared, he turned back around and the waitress from earlier stood with a rifle in her trembling hands. She had new, blue tattoos on her skin and her eyes were bright blue.

"Agent, you shouldn't be here. Your partner already went back to D.C." she quivered, though her finger was steady on the trigger.

"I don't think so, ma'am." Dean said, cockily. He stepped closer, shielding his knife from her vision. "I never said she was my partner, FBI, or from D.C." The woman chastised herself under her breath then returned the rifle to his chest. Dean swiped the rifle from her and threw it behind him. "And neither am I."

Dean held the knife at the djinn's heart. "Where's my daughter, djinn?" The monster refused to say anything, so he just killed her and walked past her body. He ducked around more shelves until he came to a clearing. Dean spotted a dangling light ball overhead of a man twice his size drinking from a red tube coming from a needle in Jackline's right jugular vein.

Jack was withered, her skin slick to the bone, her eyes and eye sockets purple and hollow. She had lost at least 75% of her blood to the djinn and the one drinking was smiling like a maniac. Jack's wrists were tied above her head and her head laid on her left shoulder. The djinn dropped the tube back into a jar and ran a finger down Jack's cheek, brushing a lock of stiff hair from her face.

"You're so pretty." The djinn said, gripping her face with one hand. "Too bad you've gotta die so soon."

"Not on my watch, buddy." Dean said as he walked from the shadows. The djinn turned in pure astonishment. Dean saw a smile jumped onto the monster's lips and it made his bloodlust only grow.

"And who might you be?" the djinn asked, standing ahead of the nearly lifeless corpse.

"Oh man," Dean said, exposing the knife to the man. "I'm your worst nightmare." The man laughed hysterically.

The djinn wiped fake tears of laughter from under his eyes, "Well, we'll see about that." He pulled a rifle from the table behind Jack and cocked it, aiming it at Dean.

"This is going to be fun." Dean snarled.

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