Big Guns

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The next thing I knew, Dean was shaking my aching body. My hearing was groggy and I felt so weak that I couldn't even open my eyes fully.

"Come on. Wake up, dammit." Dean's voice shook with fear. I coughed and he sparked to life. "Hey, hey. Jack, wake up. Damn, I thought I lost you for a second."

"You almost did." I ground out, rocking back and forth. He started to cut my arms free and with every cut of the rope, pain shot through my body. As he was cutting the final rope, I spoke. "Dean."

He stopped cutting and looked at me, "Yeah, kiddo?" Tears fell down my cheeks and he narrowed his eyebrows. "What is it?"

I took in a sharp breath, "Jo, she was . . . alive. You two were married. Sam was married, too. To some woman named Jess, he even had a kid." I cried. "There was no hunting. I was fourteen again and my life was so simple, but it . . . it," I tried to get the words out.

"It wasn't perfect. Sam and me weren't who we were in this world. Our lives were totally different." He finished.

"How did you know?" I asked. He raised his knife again and cut the last rope through. I fell into his arms. I was too weak to stand, so Dean swung me over his shoulder as softly as he could and carried me to his car.

He put me in the passenger side of the car and laid his leather jacket over my scrawny, boney body. Then I fell into a deep sleep.


Dean had a very peaceful drive. Jack was asleep on the other side of the bench as Dean listened to a Metallica album. It surprised him that she could sleep through that "Rock" music, but the truth was that she'd slept through worse.

Back at the bunker, Sam sat at a table in the library as Matt paced back and forth. They hadn't heard anything from Dean in the past five hours and Matt was very worried.

"You alright, man?" Sam asked, seeing the tension as plain as the nose on the angel's face. Matt didn't hear him at first, but Sam spoke again. "Mathias?"

"What? Yeah, I'm fine." Matt fumbled, biting the end of his thumb. Sam knew that face, the same face he wore when he knew something was wrong. "It's just . . . We should've heard from them by now."

"Relax. She's with Dean." Sam supported, leaning back in his seat proudly. When Matt didn't look very persuaded, Sam continued. "There is nothing he wouldn't do for her, especially since we've already lost Jack once."

Matt shook his head, "How are you so confident in Dean? I mean he killed so many people. How do you know that he'll do 'anything'?" Sam shot him a look.

"Despite all that, Dean's gone to great lengths to save the people he loves." Sam said, as confident as ever. "He sold his soul for me and he'd do it again for her in a second."

"Why?" Matt said with an aggravated tone.

"Because he's a Winchester!" Sam argued. Matt backed down a little, feeling the anger steam off of the man. "And Winchesters . . . they take care of our own."

Matt scoffed, "We'll see about that."

And as if on cue, the purr of the Impala's engine drove down the road and into the garage. Matt and Sam ran to the garage just as Dean was getting Jack out. She was unconscious and really skinny in her father's arms.

"Sam, take her." Dean said, handing Jack off to his brother. Matt followed Sam as Dean grabbed Jack's and his bags from the car.

Sam set his niece on a couch in the war room and Matt found a blanket to put over her. Dean came in looking really shaken up, so Sam pulled him off aside.

"She's not getting any better." Dean said, eyebrows raised and a hand over his mouth.

"What?" Sam asked quickly.

"I don't know, man. It might be her demon blood, but she hasn't gotten any better since I got her." Dean panicked.

Sam bit his lip, "We can't take her to a doctor and we can't heal her ourselves."

"I can try." Matt called from across the room.

Dean turned. "Absolutely not." He said, trudging toward him to move him away from Jack, but Sam grabbed his shoulder.

"Dean, wait." Sam said, weighing the options. "He could try." Dean didn't want to believe it, but they were running out of time and options. He looked at the angel, stroking the side of her face with his thumb, and walked over to him.

"Go." He said and Matt looked surprised. "Do your voodoo, Houdini." Matt placed his hand on her forehead, but nothing happened. Matt lifted his hand and looked at it.

"I don't understand." Matt said, sounding genuinely frightened. "This should have worked."

Dean shook his head as he looked at the ground, "Can you two give us some time?" Sam put a hand on Matt's shoulder and they left the room.

After he knew they were gone, Dean grabbed Jack's hand and put it to his forehead, kneeling by her. He was on the verge of tears and he had to find a way to save his daughter. If he lost her again, he didn't know what he would do.

"Cas?" he prayed, holding Jack's hand to his lips. "I know I haven't prayed in years. But I am now, and I hope that counts for something. Cas, Jack's hurt real bad and I don't know what else to do." His voice broke and he shook like a leaf. "I can't lose her again, man. I can't. I need your help, Castiel."

A few moments of silence filled the air as Dean looked up. He saw nothing and started to cry. It was over for Jack and, quite possibly, over for him as well. That was until he heard a voice behind him.

"Hello, Dean."

Heaven And Hell{Sequel to "Born to Be a Hunter"}Where stories live. Discover now