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iMESSAGE between SEB and ROWAN

hey row
I'll understand if you don't reply to me
but I just, I just need to talk to you

nerd 💘✨:
what do you want

omg you replied
are you home?

nerd 💘✨:
why are you asking

because I'm outside

nerd 💘✨:
oh then I'm not home

the lights are on Rowan Cruz

nerd 💘✨:

rowan please


SEBASTIAN was about to double text Rowan begging her to let him in, he heard the front door open.


"Just get inside before I regret it." Sebastian followed Rowan inside, looking back at her house door closing. His eyes then looked for Rowan again, seeing her enter her kitchen, presumably resuming her actions of cooking before he had arrived.

"Are you just going to stand there or say something? I'm sure you have something- or someone else- to go see."

"Careful, Row. Your jealousy is showing." Sebastian knew he probably earned himself an eye roll from Rowan, knowing her that well. After a moment of no words and Rowan turning her stove off, she finally turned to see Sebastian leaning on her marble kitchen counter. Rowan knew she had to face him sooner or later, but she continued to fiddle around with her clothing.

"I have nothing to be jealous of." Rowan was trying her best to preoccupy herself with anything in her kitchen in order to avoid any contact with Sebastian. But of course, Sebastian caught onto Rowan's ways.

"Well, you're right. You do have nothing to be jealous about since I have nothing to do with Maya anymore." She could feel him coming closer to her, his footsteps and voice giving it away.

"I guess she thinks otherwise."

"I don't care about what she thinks. I care about what you think." Finally, Rowan decided to turn and look right at Sebastian. She noticed how sincere he was being, and it was making it even harder for herself to continue being mad at him.

"Well, I think you two obviously have some unfinished business or whatever and I refuse to be a factor in that." Sebastian let Rowan walk away from the kitchen and watched her as she sat in her living room sofa. He knew it was going to be a challenge to receive Rowan's forgiveness. But he had to be completely honest with her now.

"You already are a factor. Or better said, you've always been." Rowan looked over at Sebastian with a confused facial expression as he sat right beside her. Before she was able to say anything, Sebastian did the daring move to gently grab Rowan's free hand and caress it.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Row, Maya was always... the jealous type. Especially whenever I was asked about my co stars in interviews or certain celebrity crushes, she'd freak out and we'd have this huge fight." Rowan had her eyes fixed on Sebastian, who was looked down onto her hand he was still holding on to.

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