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iMESSAGE between ROWAN and AVA

baby sister 👯:
rowan please reply

big sister row 👯:
wow wow kiddo what's up

baby sister 👯:
it's matt

big sister row 👯:
what, what happened to our brother?

baby sister 👯:
he got into an car accident
he's in coma rowan

big sister row 👯:
what, when did it happen

baby sister 👯:
the accident happen three days ago
he entered the coma yesterday

big sister row 👯:
why didn't mom tell me earlier

big sister 👯:
you know her already rowan
but please, I know you're still on the tour
but please come home, matt needs you

big sister row 👯:
I'm on my way



why didn't you tell me about matt earlier
he's my older brother mom I deserve to know

oh really? you deserve to know?
seems like you've been too busy with your movie life and your boyfriend

mom you not supporting my career is whole other thing than NOT telling me my brother is in a freaking coma!

I can't support a career that involves you being a homewrecker
I raised you better than that Rowan.

how dare you think I'm actually a homewrecker?
I'm your daughter, mom. How can you believe a rumor mill than your daughter that you've known longer than anyone else?

I don't know you anymore.
And you lost that privilege a long time ago Rowan.
I don't want you to show up here

that isn't your decision to make
I'm going to go see MY brother and sister


small update but super important. here I shall introduce rowan's family and the backstory.

Ava Cruz is played by my small baby Rowan Blanchard.
Matthew Cruz is played by my other loml Matthew Daddario.
idk about rowan's parents yet lmao

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