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PUSHING THROUGH THE HOSPITAL DOORS, Rowan's eyes looked around frantically for any Cruz family member.

"Rowan!" She knew that voice from anywhere. Rowan turned her head to the direction where the voice was coming from, just to see her sister running towards her.

"Ava." The two Cruz sisters came into a hug, Rowan hadn't seen Ava for over six months, with filming coming in the way. And their mother didn't make it any easier. "You came."

"Of course I did, kiddo. How's Ma-" Rowan's words were interrupted as her mother's figure became visible, walking towards them with a look that could kill. Rowan felt her sister come beside her, squeezing her hand a bit more than usual.

"What are you doing here? I told you not to come!" Rowan sighed deeply as she took notice of the nurses giving the family looks as her mother began to raise her voice. Of course, she did not want to cause a scene but the way her mother is acting is taking a toll.

"And I told you I was coming to see my siblings. Which is what I'm doing." Taking her sister's hand, Rowan walked past her mother to the front desk to ask for her brother's room number.

"Hello, I'm here for Matthew Cruz. Are visitors being accepted?"

"Yes of course, but only one at a time." Rowan looked down at Ava, who gave her a sincere smile signaling it was okay. Giving her hand one last squeeze and weak smile, Ava watched her older sister disappear into the doors only to feel her mother creep beside her.

"I can't believe she actually had the nerve to come. Who does she think she is?!"

"She's your daughter. That's who she thinks she is. Mom, I know it's impossible to change your mind now. But at least for Matt, be civil." Laura Cruz watched as yet another one of her daughter's walked away from her, leaving her to only sigh out deeply.

As Ava walked with her hands in her pockets, she found herself trying to block out all the people frantically running past her. She never understood what broke up her family, being too young then to know. Despite rarely seeing Rowan due to her job and their mother making it difficult, Ava adored her sister. And Rowan never left her unattended, neither did Matt.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for the Cruz family. They have a family member here." The sound of her last name out a halt to Ava's thoughts, making her shoot up her head to look forward. In only a few seconds, her eyes were able to realize who it was.

"Sebastian!" The youngest Cruz sibling watched as Sebastian turned to where he was being called and once he recognized Ava, he bid his thanks to the nurse and walked over to her. "Oh thank god, you're here. I'm sorry I'm late, my flight got delayed for an hour and the traffic here is a-"

"It's okay, Sebastian. What matters is that you're here." Before he was even able to say anything, Sebastian let out a huff as Ava wrapped her small arms around him. He was taken back at the quick show of affection from Ava, but he soon hugged the young girl back. It was perhaps a selfish thought to even think about but Sebastian couldn't help but feel overjoyed at the fact Rowan's family accepted him. Or at least Ava.

"Thank you so much."

"No, thank you. Without you reaching out to me I wouldn't even know where to begin looking for Rowan. Speaking about her, where is she? Is she okay?"

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