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Rumors, Homewrecking, Feelings, and the Truth.

ROWAN CRUZ is currently LIVE on YouTube.

Okay... Is this thing working? Oh, crap it is. Alright well, I'm Rowan here, coming to you live from my... living room. I know, out of all the places to do a livestream I decide to do it here. But I guess it's to show you how urgent I was to get this out to you all.

As you know, lately I've been caught in the middle of an actual love triangle. No, not the so called "Marvel Love Triangle" between Stolivia and Stowan. I wish it was that easy actually. But no, I've been sucked into a Staya vs Stowan trend and I have absolutely no idea why.

Okay. That's a lie. I do know why. Let me rephrase that, I've been sucked into this love triangle for the wrong reasons. Don't believe me and believe E!News instead? Too bad. This is my side of the story.

The truth.

I met Sebastian Stan the first day we arrived to film Captain America: Civil War. Yes. I know we had some bump ins at other movie premieres but this was it. I was so excited to work with so many people at once for a film, and I had so much about Sebastian that I could not wait to finally work with him.

Want me to be completely honest with you? We clicked. I felt it. In my mind and heart, he's just so... he's simply Sebastian freaking Stan.

HOLD UP. That's it, right?! That is literal PROOF that Rowan Cruz had an immediate affair with an engaged man! HOMEWRECKER ROWAN! HOMEWRECKER ROWAN!


I have morals. I know what is wrong and what is right, I know how to handle myself. I brushed it off, because when you truly care about someone, you let them do what makes them happy even if that means you have nothing to do with it. And that is what I did. I care about Sebastian too much to ever force him into a horrible situation like that.

I know what the question is now then, how did I react or better yet, what did I do when I found out Sebastian had broken up with Maya Collins?

What did I do? I called him. I asked him if he was okay, because that's what mattered. Not to bombard him with questions to why he did so or such. His emotional being was what mattered.

Sebastian and I became close as ever after that.

We did not jump at each other the moment he broke up with Maya. No. We haven't even done that till this day.

Whatever Sebastian felt at that moment is his business and his only. Not yours, not the paparazzi, not mine, not Maya's. Just his.

So what is the ultimate truth besides the fact I am not a home wrecker?

The truth is, whatever Sebastian and I do from now and on is our business. Whether we decide to post a harmless photo on Instagram for our supporters is our decision.

So E!News, next time you decide to stalk my Instagram get your facts straight. Because I am not a home wrecker and I am not something you can use in order to fill in your crappy website's main page.

And, Maya Collins. I, I'm sorry. Sorry if I ever caused you any worries or any anger, for it was not my intention. I know I can never repair what has happened, but I hope you reconsider everything you think and everything you have said.

With that, I want to end this live stream to all my actual supporters. You guys are amazing. I'm sorry you had to sit through something you already knew was not true.

Alright well, thanks for sitting around and watching me address nonsense. I got to go now, Sebastian's blowing up my phone at the moment. He is so annoying sometimes... Kidding!

Once again, thank you. Row out!

Wait, that was so lame.



sebabestian 💘:
rowan omg
you're doing it
ok I'm watching

sebabestian 💘:
omg you remember the first time we met
"we clicked"
more like love at first sight
well at least on my behalf

sebabestian 💘:
I remember that phone call
And then you came over my dressing room with a bucket of ice cream and you slept over
You made it really difficult not to kiss you that night you know

sebabestian 💘:
"Sebastian and I"
I really like the sound of that

sebabestian 💘:
yes baby slay trash!news

sebabestian 💘:
omg wth row don't put me on blast in a livestream about the messages
ok you're done
now reply
I miss you

nerd 💘✨:
give me a minute to read these messages

sebabestian 💘:
wow you haven't even read them yet

nerd 💘✨:
shut up loser

sebabestian 💘:
yes nerd

nerd 💘✨:
I just read them

sebabestian 💘:

nerd 💘✨:
I'm coming over
with a bucket of ice cream
maybe this time nothing will stop you
unless you know
you're busy

sebabestian 💘:
I'm never too busy for you



okay guys honestly the feedback I have gotten is insane you guys are so freaking amazing holy

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