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WITH THE PROMOTION TOUR NEARLY AT IT'S END, Rowan laid her legs on top of Sebastian's legs as they were both bored out of their minds in the couch.



"I'm hungry."

"How sad." With that Rowan used one of her legs on his lap to shove his thigh, not making much of an impact.

"Screw your damn thick thighs." Sebastian laughed at his girlfriend's failed attempt, placing her legs back on top is his lap and laying his hands on her thighs. "Okay, let's start over. What do you want to eat?"

"I don't know. I just want to get out of this hotel room and walk around the town." Rowan threw her head back on the couch, hoping Sebastian would come up with something with the hints she was throwing.

"You know, we haven't had our first public date yet." Now the brunette girl shot up from her slumping position, now face to face with her boyfriend. "Go on."

"Well, let's go. Let's just walk around and find a food stand or a restaurant to eat at."

"Food stand please. I don't feel like seeing people."


rowancruz: mini date night with the boyfriend 🙄💘  imsebastianstan #hesbuyingmefood #hehasmyheart859

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rowancruz: mini date night with the boyfriend 🙄💘 imsebastianstan #hesbuyingmefood #hehasmyheart

imsebastianstan: I bought you food and you didn't even share. rowancruz

rowancruz: you had an entire plate full of food and you didn't let me get one fry, but I expected it because you're my boyfriend. I know you that well. imsebastianstan

anthonymackie: look at you guys, arguing like an old married couple imsebastianstan rowancruz

chrisevans: why was I not invited?? My hotel room is literally right next door??? #hurt

elizabetholsen: cause they don't want you third wheeling chris chrisevans

paulrudd: honestly Christopher you walked yourself into that one chrisevans elizabetholsen

robertdowneyjr: wait... are you guys sitting right next to each other??? why are you guys talking through here??? rowancruz imsebastianstan

renner4real: cause it's the modern ages downey get with the program even I know robertdowneyjr

rowancruz: robert you're right and I'll leave now because while I was typing Sebastian took all of my fries :) robertdowneyjr


"You really know how to do dates, Seb." The two were still holding hands as they were now in their hotel room hallway. Rowan had such a great time with Sebastian, she didn't want to let go now. It was as if tonight reminded her of why she fell in love with him in the first place.

"We literally just walked around the city and bought hot dogs with fries at a food stand. People would say there's more romantic ways to do a date."

"Yeah, but it was with you. So it automatically makes it great. Plus, do you really see us going to an expensive fancy restaurant instead of getting food from a stand?" Sebastian smiled as he felt Rowan comes closer to his frame, still holding on to her hand.

"You're such a nerd."

The two were now in front of Sebastian's hotel door, and neither looked like they wanted to call it a night. Sure, for majority of the promotion tour Rowan was in Sebastian's room more than her own during the day. Either watching movies, eating ice cream, or simply just being each other's company. But this would be the first time the two would sleep over as a couple.

"Stay, for tonight." Rowan felt a wave of relief come over her as she didn't have to be the one to tell Sebastian she wanted to stay.

"If I stay for tonight you know I won't want to leave again."

"Maybe I don't want you to." As he opened the door, Sebastian walked his girlfriend into his room still hand to hand. Looking around the room, Rowan decided to keep teasing Sebastian.

"Soooooooo, you're taking the couch or?"


"What? I like to have my own space to sleep." Rowan couldn't resist a smile from forming as she saw Sebastian playfully roll his eyes and walk towards her.

"Well maybe we won't be sleeping for the rest of the night." Placing the palms of her hands on his chest, Sebastian looked down at his girlfriend's smile when she finally caught on to what he was hinting at.

"How subtle, Sebastian."

"Oh, shut up. You already know I can't be subtle when it comes to you."



y'all swear I'm about to write smut I can't do it even if my life depended on it lmaOOOOO but yes that is what is happening you guys are smart to guess stowan is so lit

a happy chapter because I've made my children suffer lately with mayANNOYING so why not make them chill

in another note I was hearing pillowtalk while I wrote this 

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