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iMESSAGE between SEB and ROWAN

sebabestian 💘:
we need to talk

rowbabe 💖:

sebabestian 💘:
I think this would be better in person
where are you?

rowbabe 💖:
at Matt's house, Ava wanted a siblings day

sebabestian 💘:
oh, well when are you coming home?

rowbabe 💖:
in like an hour or so
babe you're scaring me what's wrong
you know I hate when someone drops the we need to talk text.

sebabestian 💘:
nothing's wrong love, hopefully
I'll see you later


SEBASTIAN fiddled around with his hands as he sat in the living room sofa, waiting to hear the front door open. He was anxious for Rowan to arrive so he could get so many things off his chest, but at the same time, he didn't want her to arrive because he was actually terrified.

He wasn't exactly afraid of being a parent because that's all he ever wanted. The desire for a family was even present while he was with Maya, hence why he even asked her to marry him. But it was different with Rowan, the desire was greater.

Sebastian threw his head back in the couch, running his hands through his hair. He hated being insecure and afraid when it came to his relationship with Rowan. Sure, they'd talk about a future together but that's the thing. A future. Kids were in their future, not in the present.

He'd be ecstatic over having a child right at that moment, but he wasn't so sure if Rowan would. And that's what terrified him.

The sound of the front door knob turning made Sebastian shoot his head up, coming in contact with an arriving Rowan.

"You're early." Sebastian rose up from the living room sofa to walk over to his girlfriend, who gave him a confused look as she hung up her coat and purse. "Well, due to the everlasting anxiety you caused me with your test, Matt and Ava let me come back early. I wasn't even able to drink at least one beer Matt was hiding from Ava."

"Beer? You can't drink, Rowan!" Sebastian's sudden outburst made Rowan jump a bit, Sebastian quickly taking notice of such and mentally slapping himself. He quickly grabbed a hold of her hands and held them tightly.

"I-I didn't drink. And even if I did, why can I suddenly not?" Rowan watched as Sebastian let out a deep breath and let go of her hands to walk over to the nightstand near the sofa. He opened the drawer and took out something, taking a moment to regather exactly what he was going to say.

"Because of this." Now it was Rowan who wanted to mentally slap herself. Once she noticed the pregnancy test box in Sebastian's hands, Rowan struggled exactly how to respond.

"Sebastian it's not-"

"Why didn't you tell me? Did I not have a right to know, Rowan? I would've been there with you while you waited for the result, I had every right to be there."

"Sebastian, calm down, please. It's not even a big deal." Rowan didn't want to have this conversation, not with the way Sebastian was beginning to get riled up. In attempts to escape such situation, Rowan began to exit the living room and make her way towards the kitchen. But as she did, she could hear Sebastian following her path.

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