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"YOU NEED TO TALK TO SEBASTIAN." Rowan sat across her brother's living room with a pillow covering her face, with Elizabeth and Matt on the other side of the room getting ready to lecture her.

"No I don't."

"Yes you do." Matt and Elizabeth looked over at each other after saying that in unison, provoking Rowan to actually remove the pillow from her face. "It's creepy how alike you guys are."

"Don't try to switch the subject, Rowan. You need to talk to him, it's almost going to be a month since the fight. Plus he needs to know-"

"He doesn't need to know anything. And if he cared then he would've reached out." Rowan's stubbornness earned herself a pillow to the face by Elizabeth, while she felt Matt's face judging her hard.

"Rowan, they have a point." Ava appeared like the angel sent from above she is described as by her older brother, whom smiled greatly at his little sister entering the conversation. "No, no, noooooo. Not you my little baby, you're supposed to be on my side!"

"I am on your side, which is why I'm telling you that you need to talk to Sebastian. You can't only think about yourself anymore, Rowan." Ava sat beside her older sister, laying her head on Rowan's shoulder to show comfort. Ava knew this situation wasn't easy for Rowan at all.

Rowan looked from Ava to where her twin brother and bestfriend sat, giving them a small smile as she let out a sigh. "You guys are right. I just, I just don't know how to even reach out to him. It's been a month."

"Just text him, Row. Tell him you'll drop by because you have to tell him something very important. It's Sebastian, no matter what happened he'll always make time for you." Ava gave her older sister one last tight hug before handing her the cellphone. Feeling reluctant at first, Rowan eventually grabbed a hold of the cellphone and took in a deep breath.

"I'm going to die."

"You are if you don't send it, Rowan Cruz. Cause I'll smack you."


iMESSAGE between ROWAN and SEB

rowbabe 💘:
hey sebastian
I know we haven't talked for a while now
since that one day
but I need to talk to you about something important

rowbabe 💘:
alright sebastian I know you still may be mad
and you have every right to be
but please don't leave me on read, this is really important
can I stop by your house in a few minutes?

rowbabe 💘:
sebastian please
reply, this is really important

sebabestian 💖:
he's busy
so don't come by

rowbabe 💘:
um, who the hell are you and why do you have my boyfriend's phone

sebabestian 💖:
boyfriend? hmm

rowbabe 💘:
oh hell no


ROWAN DID NOT WANT TO OVERTHINK. But as she parked her car outside of Sebastian's apartment building, the possibilities of who the hell obtained Sebastian's phone number were eating up her mind. Rowan had to remind herself that wasn't the reason why she came to talk to Sebastian, it was about something much more important.

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