Chapter 4

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-Harry's POV-

What the hell?

She's sleeping on my chest, I hardly know her. Why did she even have to sit on my lap? Fucking Niall and Zayn has a crush on her so why not one of them? This girl is annoying, she gives me a headache. Why did I even rent half my place for her? Oh right...

Fucking Niall.

I hope she decides to move out, eventually she will.

The ride is finally over, I thought I was going to die or something. She's not even that heavy.

"Niall, what's her name again?" I ask him.

"Ariana Martin."

I never really paid attention to her when she was introducing herself. I don't feel bad for her whatsoever.

Ariana is passed out apparently. I pick her up and waited for Louis to open the door. God damn, does it take a century to find the house key?

Finally Louis finds the key and I quickly get up the stairs and walk into Ariana's new room. I set her down on the soft bed slowly and her brown hair flows perfectly with her skin tone. I can't help the smile thats building on my face. I guess when she's not talking at all she's cute. But definitely not my type. She probably has a boyfriend anyways.

I walk out of her bedroom and close her door slowly after switching the light off.

-Ariana's POV-


I wake up almost screaming, who in the bloody hell is yelling at me when I'm sleeping?

I lift myself up and see a gorgeous blonde girl at the end of my bed. What is her problem?

"I'm not going to say it again..." She says to me calmer.

"Who are you?" I ask her.

"Harry's girlfriend..."

Is she serious? I don't care if she's Harry's girlfriend, you never yell at someone when they're sleeping. Why is she even yelling at me?

"So...?" I ask.

"So... One of the boys said that you went to the bar with them, and you fell asleep on Harry's lap, and he carried you to your room?" She's really pissed off, her face is red.

"Yes.. but it wasn't like that.." I tell her.

"Did you have sex?!" She's seriously losing her mind right now.

I completely ignore her and leave my room to go down stairs. I'm pissed off. Whoever told that psychopath about me sitting on Harry's lap is going to regret it.

I see all the boys except Harry on the couch watching 'Maury'. That show poisons your mind.

"What's that girls name and what is wrong with her? Who told her about me sitting on Harry's lap?!"

Louis laughs, "I see you've meet Kat."

I already don't like her, the way she woke me up. I don't like being woken up, otherwise I would really hurt you. Kat's lucky I didn't break her arm.

"Where's Harry?" I ask.

Louis sighs and smiles again when he looks back at me, why does he always smile at me? It's weird.

"Harry and Kat got into an argument, Kat told him she cheated on him with Jack, and Harry told her that you sat on his lap and carried you to your room and that he fucked you." The other boys look away when Kat comes down the stairs. "Then Harry stormed off, we don't know where he went..."

I don't give a damn. Harry should know damn well that I have self-respect. I'm pissed because somebody ruined my sleep. Bitch.

Kat looks out the window when I see her, and she gives me a dirty look. Ugh.

"Harry's coming... I'm leaving out the back door." Kat said to the boys and not even looking at me. She grabs her bag and opens the screen door and jogs out. Was she scared?

Harry storms in and runs upstairs, and ignores us. The guys don't even pay attention they acted like they've seen this before. Or are they scared too?

"Guys, I think I'm going to talk to him." I inform them. Zayn laughs.

"You don't want to do that, love." Zayn tells me.

"Why not? He's not a serial killer, is he?" I joke.

They all shrugged and I ignored them. I quickly get up the stairs and find my way to Harry's room. He's sulking on his bed with an angry look on his face. I walk in so he could notice I was standing there. His green eyes met mine.

"Hey..." I start the conversation.

"Get the hell out!" He half yells.

I laugh at his anger, "No." He really thought I would leave?

"If you don't get out in thirty seconds I will-" I cut him off.

"What are you going to do to me?" I challenged him.

His green eyes turning darker, shooting me with his dark eyes. Okay.. now he's scaring me.

"Get the fuck out of my room." He says.

I sit on his chair across from him and he sighs.

"Sorry no can do, your girlfriend woke me up. I'm supposed to be sleeping right now, I usually wake up at 12pm.... so I'm hanging out with you until then." I stick my tongue out at him. His eyes widen, is eyes are getting light green.

He brushes his hair with his long fingers and chuckles, "Hell no." Harry walks out of the room and ignores me. I hear footsteps go down the stairs, I hear Harry.

"Guys I'll be out, see you later." He almost sounds happy. Did I brighten up his mood? Cool.

I take a shower and set our my clothes for today, and throw my dirty clothes in the basket. I touch up my hair with my straightener. My hair is close to perfection before I put in bobby pins. My hair is perfect, I decided to do something different, I put my hair back and it gorgeous.

It's pretty cold today, so I put on my dark blue skinny jeans and my green and blue areopastale shirt and throw on my green Jordan's. I think I may have Jordan's in every color. My cousin used to work at Foot Locker, I'm talking 60% OFF.

I text my friend Liam to see what he's up to. He's like one if my best friends, l unromantically love him.



I knew writing FanFics were awesome but damn its addicting ahhhhh.

Lol Liam is a real hottie and I can already picture him oooo yeahhhh



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