Chapter 11

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-Ariana POV-

Didn't he hate me before? I thought he was rude and such a punk but he's scary to me. I thought I wasn't scared of this guy but now I'm shy to talk to him. This doesn't sound like me at all. I'm never scared of a guy.

I have a sick feeling in my stomach. I should just get some clothes on and get to the store.

Twenty minutes pass and Harry is still getting ready, my God we are only going to the store. Finally, I hear footsteps from the stairs and I get my bag and I head out the door. He closes the door behind him and I start walking on the sidewalk.

"Where are you going?" Harry looks confused when I turn back to him.

"The store, I'm walking." I tell him and he laughs.

"I'm not walking so get in the car." He demands and I obey. I walk to his car and I get to the passenger seat and quickly put on the seatbelt without saying a word.

Harry starts the car and The Fray starts playing and I look at him funny and Harry looks back at me and I laugh, and soon he joins.

I feel like a weak bitch for being scared of him after being untouchable. Ugh what's wrong with me again?

We park in front of a store I never heard of called 'Teddy's Market'. I laugh inside of my head and follow Harry inside like a lost puppy.

I make my way to the baking isle and I get all purpose flour and chocolate chips. Liam loves chocolate, he's going to love these cookies. I get extra chocolate chips for the rest of the boys back at the mansion.

"Do we have butter?" I ask Harry.

"No, we used it on the popcorn last night." I nod.

I go to the dairy isle where there are milk, eggs, cheeses, yogurt, and butter. I grab two sticks of butter and I put it in the basket. Harry catches up behind me.

"What's all this ingredients for?" He stares at the basket.

"Since you've upset my friend I'm baking him cookies, and don't worry I'm baking some for all of us." I smile and Harry put his arms around my waist. I can't describe this feeling.

"Let's go, I think this is it." I say lifting up the basket. Harry mumbles an 'okay'.

I scan the items and I pull out my zebra printed wallet and Harry stops me from pulling out the money. "I got it." What a gentlemen...

We walk back to the car and I put the bags in and the plastic bag rips and falls everywhere. "Cheap piece of shit." Harry says under his breath. "I'll get another bag." I nod my head still looking at the groceries. When Harry walks in the store, two guys walk out and I don't think Harry noticed them. They were wearing dark clothing and one had black hair and the other had brown short hair. They were coming my way and I looked at the car next to ours, it was a black Hearse with fire flames on it. Those guys look up to no good. They also looked very familiar and I just can't put my finger on it.

They unlock their car door and one of the guys look at me and caught me staring, dammit. I look away quickly and I hear them laughing. This is embarrassing.

"Hey babe, you a shy one?" He says to me.

"Nah Jack, she's a bad one." I'm guessing his name was Jack puts his hands on my back, I step away quickly.

"Wanna hang?" I ignore him. What the hell is taking Harry so long?

Jack grabs my chin aggressively and forces me to look at him. He looks like he's going to say something but nothing comes out.

"Get. The. Fuck. Away. From. Her." I hear Harry behind me and the guy shows no fear against him. Is their going to be a fight, because I want to see Harry beat his arse. Hell yes. Even though I never seen Harry fight and this guy is like two times bigger than Harry. I'm crossing my fingers.

"Chad, we got ourselves a badass over here." These boys are American, their accents tell me everything. Harry's eyes are starting to darken and it gives me chills and a big wave of fear runs through my body.

"Get in the car. Now." Harry says and Jack looks at me smirking at me.

I jog to the passenger seat and I lock all the doors and I close my eyes and plug my ears. The car started to shake and I looked out the dark window. Harry's punching Jack in the stomach and Chad is getting up and is about to kick Harry in th- OH CRAP.

I open the door, "Harry watch out!" Harry looks at me and felt the pain. I was too late. After Chad has kicked Harry in the crotch hard Harry fell over with his hands covering his crotch. Man, his balls are gone.

Chad went up to Harry and kicked him in the stomach and Jack punches him in the jaw. Hell no.

I run to Harry. Ariana to the rescue!

I push Chad away slap him for hitting him so fucking hard. I knee Jack and he groans in pain. Good. Before I look at Harry, somebody's hand is connected to my left cheek, I felt the sting. That hurt.

This guy hits woman. I knew he was aggressive but damn.

Harry gets up and I think he heard the slap, he punches both of them and shoves them to the ground and he continues kicking them as his eyes are getting darker. Right now I'm scared, if he doesn't stop...

"Harry stop," I whisper hoping he'll listen to me. "Stop, you'll kill them." Harry stops and he grabs my wrist and leads me to the passenger seat door. Before he pushes me inside the car he pulls me in for a hug. When he lets go I see his fingers have blood all over them, all because of me.

I'm such a bitch.

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