Chapter 16

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Well what am I suppose to say? This asshole.

I can hide if I wanted to. He can't tell me nothing. I'm sitting here in my room, speechless and Harry left the room like twenty minutes ago.

I keep thinking about what he said... but now I'm hungry. Kats words repeat in my head.


At least I watch my weight.


I don't need to eat this late...

I lay down with my eyes closed until I fall into a dark sleep.


Something struck me. I'm running for my life, and I don't know where I am. It comes to me, a cold hand is on my shoulder and throws me down a steep hill. I scream and strain my voice until it itched and I couldn't hear my voice anymore. The person who grabbed me approaches me and puts a cold metal on the side of my neck. I heard it load, it was a gun.

I was crying, it was a quiet cry, almost silent. I tried to scream for help, but I was somehow forced not to. The person was tall and obviously a man. He was reluctant to let me go.

"You can't hide from me." He said. In a low, strong, familiar British accent. His words gave me chills throughout my body. I was speechless.

"Don't hurt me. PLEASE!" I cried. I thought I yelled loud enough but it was a whisper.

He chuckled. And smirked.

That laugh.

That smirk.

It couldn't be...

"Harry?" I whispered for him to hear. Oh my goodness, if it's him. He laughed while throwing his head backwards. "Don't hurt m-" It triggered.


"Wake up... Ariana.. please wake up." Is what I heard when I woke up.

I gasped when I woke up. I woke up to see Harry's beautiful face. Even though he tried to kill me in my dream, I needed him at the moment. My cries were almost silent, my body was covered in sweat. Yet, my feet were so cold but the rest of my body was over-heated.

"Do you want me to sleep with you?" He asked with his eyes full of concern. I nodded and he half smiled. I made room next to me and I kept my distance. I turn the opposite direction to avoid a conversation with him. I felt his warm hand grab my hips and he pulled my towards him. He kisses my cheek and says...

"Goodnight, love."


It was 9 o'clock and it was pretty bright outside and Harry was still next to me snoring lightly. I got out of the bed quietly trying not to wake him up. I walk into the hallway and I hear talking. It sounds like Niall and Zayn.. and for a second I heard my name in their conversation. "She was sleeping with him." I jumped at that comment. It wasn't like that!

I knocked on the door and opened the door. Zayn was under his duvet and Niall was standing next to Zayn. Their eyes meet mine and I'm suddenly uncomfortable. Niall opened his mouth to say something but closed it.

"Morning.." I smiled and Zayn smiles back but Niall doesn't look at me or replies.

"Did you sleep well?" Zayn chuckled and looked at Niall. Oh God.

"We didn't really sleep together." I said full if annoyance. "I had a nightmare and Harry just came in."

"You could've said no." Niall blurted.

"Don't judge me." I begged and walked out of the room. Here I am, finally in a place where I can feel home. Now, somebody judges me. My mother judged me my whole life. Can I just have a break?

I make my way downstairs and pull out the eggs that I bought for the cookies yesterday. I put something a little extra in the eggs, because I'm bored. I sauté onions, tomatoes, and jalapeños and then add in the eggs. I toast some bread to eat with it. I made enough for everyone in this house. I hope they all like eggs. I try a little and I'm surprised at my easy work. I just knew I had a talent in cooking. I pat myself on the back.

"Wake up! I made breakfast!" I almost yelled.

I couldn't help but laugh when I heard so many foot steps come down the stairs. These boys, man.

I casually walked towards the fridge and pulled out the orange juice that said 'Harry' on it. He won't mind. Ha-ha.

By the time I turn around with the orange juice in my hand, almost everyone is at the table. "Where's Harry?" Everyone shook their head "no". I hope Nialls not mad anymore because he's at this table eating my food.

"Tell me what you guys think." I told them and they all took a bite. They all put a thumbs up, Yay. I'm a good cook.

"Save some for Harry, now." I giggle at every one taking seconds.

"Aren't you going to have any?" Louis asks me with his mouth full, gross.

"I'm not hungry." I lie. I really do want to eat but every time I want to eat, I keep thinking about Kat. I keep controlling my mind from repeating what she said that day.

I grab an extra plate and fill it with eggs and bread and cover it with tin foil and stick it in the microwave. I jog up the steps and walk inside of my bedroom. Harry's messy curls are on my pillows and he just looks... perfect.

I poke his cheek until he wakes up, I couldn't help the smile on my face.

"What.." He moaned... okay that was sexy. What the hell, Ariana.

"I made you really good breakfast." I laughed.

"Then give it to me in bed." He chucked. I don't know if he was joking or not. But I'll do it for fun.

I ran downstairs and grabbed a tray behind the dishes. I grabbed a fancy cup and put the eggs on the tray and I put the bread on a separate plate to make it look fancy. I filled the cup with orange juice and it looks great.

"What's this for?" I heard that Irish accent. Niall.

"Oh, it's Harry's. He told me to bring him breakfast in bed so this could be fun." I look at Niall and he didn't even smile. Okay, I'm pissed off.

"Okay, what's up?" I snapped. Niall looked taken aback by my attitude.

"You've been flirting with Harry that's what's up." Niall says slowly and calmly.

"Why is that a problem for you?" I hope he doesn't say what I think he's going to say. I'm mentally praying that I won't have another problem on my shoulders.

"You're flirting with Harry when you know that I like you." Niall finally gets it off his chest. "But it's okay, I'll get over it easy."

And with that he walks away, my heart is broken. Not that I like him back but he was my first friend in this house and I hurt him and this whole time, he was silent.

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