♡ Chapter 1 - The Beginning Pt. II

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Song: My Body Is A Cage - Peter Gabriel

Two hours later and he is still debating whether he should wear his favorite low-cut sweater or something fitter like a heart-print shirt. That seems to be the biggest issue on his mind, as he even called Liam for opinions. He had already switched his white converse for pointed oxfords of the same color and his face is looking clean and glowing, but he is found sitting at the end of his bed contemplating both of his options.

Things like this always happened whenever he was going some place besides school, and sometimes it would get really extreme to the point where a grumpy Harry would end up sitting on the messy floor, after trying every single outfit combination, telling his friend how he had nothing to wear. And, after listening to Harry's dilemma, Liam would indicate him exactly what he had to put on and that it would look fabulous on him. Of course Harry would end up loving how he looked after a while. And since Liam was always right, he decided to trust him and go with the preppy navy blue shirt. 

He buttons the shirt all the way up for a change, then moving down to clasp the thin belt around his skin-tight jeans to make sure they wouldn't slip from place and expose his panties. He checks the time on his phone and slides it into one of his back pockets, for it was eleven fifteen and Ricky would be there any minute.

They drive to downtown Soho with music pretending to be conversation, Ricky focused on the road, Harry fixed on the display of blurry lights of yet another intrepid night. It comes to a point where he actually asks himself where did their connection go; what made the spark between them fade. 

He knew that's how things worked - people change and fall out of love - but what worried him the most was the fact that, although he was sad with their situation, it was okay; he could live like this another day. If he'd just let go of the times Ricky made him feel like shit, he could keep this train going somewhere he didn't quite know, until he was put down again and spread a cloud over it. He had already decided that he wasn't worth of better, and honestly it scared him how Ricky would react if he ever found out about his recent secret passion.

They arrive at Shadow Lounge by midnight and a familiar techno song playing inside able to be heard from the street. He feels Ricky, who was walking right by his side, touching his hand and quickly holding it when they go up to the bouncer at the purple ambient-lighted entrance. Two seconds later they are surrounded by people as they search for an empty table by the bar at the corner of the venue. Once they're settled, Ricky offers to get them some drinks.

"Yeah, sure" Harry just nods with his head in response, attention drifting to the semi-naked men seductively dancing and bouncing on the poles in their own platforms. The only thing able to steal all of his attention back is the uncomfortable tightening of the not-so-flexible fabric of his skinnies after a moment of escape.

"Shit" he murmurs, resisting the urge to palm himself through his jeans right then and there. '

Suddenly, he finds himself a second away from standing up and going to the bathroom or some place dark, but Ricky returns in that instance with a small crowd of people who were carrying different types of drinks on all of their hands. It was then he remembered Ricky's conversation on the phone earlier, when he appeared to be planing something with his friends. 

He doesn't even introduce Harry to the people who were complete strangers to him, so he guesses they probably didn't even know they were together.

They all sit with them at the table, enjoying talking over and with each other. There was only two girls in the group: a brunette with a quirky nose piercing and the other one tanned with unusual silver hair. He notices the red-haired guy acting all flirty towards Ricky as they talked, playfully concealing any sexual tension (that was obvious) between them. Harry deduces they had presumably fucked before, maybe more than once. He bets Ricky was already planning on getting under his pants again that night.

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