Chapter 40 - The Fallout

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A/N: Welcome to the last chapter.

This was one hell of a ride, but I'm pleased with my work so far. Thank you endlessly for your patience and comments and overall love towards my story. I appreciate every single one of your reads. I only ask you for one last thing:

Leave your favorite scene of this book in the comments! <3

WARNING: I freaking cried several times while writing this. Because I freaking love them and asdhdgjdfkl... I hope ya'll don't hate me it you cry too. And for other reasons you'll find you in a minute.

Enjoy :)



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Song: Home - Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros

Harry... Hazzy... Babyboy... Those were just names certain people called him. Each one with a degree of importance, a person attached to it more than the rest. But names were nothing without a voice to utter them.

In the last couple of weeks he had learned so much about himself, how people come and go and still touch you for the rest of your life. And in the time between their stay and departure, all you can do is be grateful for the beautiful moments they provided you and pray they don't go away. Because everything must change, like the earth. All for the best. And blessings in disguise are the essence of happy life.

And he had lived his happiest life, with Louis. He had felt more alive than he had ever expected to in his entire lifetime. Because he was given the chance to love unconditionally, and be loved just the same in return. He would even go as far as to say it: Louis was the love of his life. But he'd never say it out loud. Not now. Not when Louis saw him as a completely different person than the one he truly was.


Harry pops a DayQuil capsule in his mouth before fully opening his eyes. His body felt heavy and worn out, his head was pounding from his mere 6 hours of sleep last night. Not to mention the bones of his hand, which still hurt from the blow. And not even know he regretted it. Hopefully Johnathan got the memo and he'd be able to go on about his life like nothing happened - that was the goal.

After yesterday, he had stayed up for hours at night thinking what the next step was. All he wanted to do was to come running into Louis' arms like the happy ending in a movie and nothing could hurt no more from then on. But movies don't show the next day. They don't show the aftermath of the passionate kiss between lovers when something's not right inside one of them. And Harry truly needed some time apart, to fix himself. And no one else could do that for him. So his promise remained: he would take these last few weeks of school to focus on himself and his career, and then - if Louis meant what he said - they'd be back together like this was all a bad dream.

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