♡ Chapter 5 - Wish You Were Here

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They are walking inside their English class as soon as the bell goes off.

"We need to talk." Liam tells him before heading to his seat, rushing because their teacher was always extremely punctual. 

They usually sat together in every class, but in this one they had to be separated due to "too much talking". At least it's what the always-lovely Mrs. Flack said. But in fact, Harry knew she liked picking on him and had done it without enough reasons, as his classmates always talked as much as they did.

"Good morning, class."

Harry barely even noticed a different voice, a different person walking in with a briefcase on hand. The man had a grey and beige checkered suit, matching glasses, black hair on a gelled-up quiff and a bone structure to die for. He was actually very handsome. He was actually the man he'd seen with Louis a few minutes ago.

Harry looks around to see if everyone was as surprised as he was. At least he wasn't the only person with his chin hanging low. He could tell some girls were already fancying him, giving stares and elbowing each other like girls do.

The man puts down his things and stands up before his new class. 

"I'm gonna be your English teacher from now on. Your old teacher - Mrs. Flack - was recently in an accident and is now hospitalized."

The students start chatting with each other, obviously not knowing about the recent events.Harry didn't want to be happy for it, but he freaking was.

"We don't know how long she's gonna be away, so I'm here to fill in for her."

Harry immediately liked his voice. And his accent too. It was all very soothing and calming. He just hoped he never falls asleep on his class.

"I'm Mr. Malik and I hope we can all get along. If you need anything you can come to me after our class is over. Without further do, let's begin."

Straight to the point. Harry just hoped he wasn't as intimidating as Louis.

Louis. The thought comes back to his head and his heart can't help but sink as he remembers turning him down for a coffee. No wonder how he was never good at dating...

Harry tries not to let out the dreamy sigh that's ready to spill from his nostrils. There were days he actually really hated himself and today was one of them.

The class takes too long to come to an end, but he thinks it was mainly from the fact that he couldn't take Louis out of his mind the entire time. If someone was too ask him what he'd learn at that class he'd only be able to say the title of the new book they started reading. 

He ponders if he should make up question up to ask Mr. Malik so that he could maybe find out what Louis was doing at his school or why he was talking with him, but he decides against it. He didn't want to embarrass himself any further that day. 

"Who was that man?" Liam asks him as he steps out of the classroom.

"Our English teacher...?"

Wtf Liam.

"No. I mean, the man in the grey suit and the ridiculously beautiful face?"

He's mine! Harry wanted to scream it to his face but reality hit him like a rock. Louis wasn't his. At all. And probably would never be. As much as he liked feeding the thought that one day maybe they would have some sort of relationship other than doctor-patient, that was the sad truth.

"Oh... He's him." Is all Harry could mutter.

"By him you mean your sexologist?" Liam asks like it was a completely normal thing for other people to hear.

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