♡ Chapter 13 - Mine

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A/n: I'd like to know if you guys listen to the tracks I put here while reading the chapters. Because if not, you should. There's a reason why they're here. Also, should I keep adding a picture for each chapter? Cause it takes quite a while to make, so if you don't insist I won't put them. 

Thank you for reading. Extra big chapter just for you...



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Song: Undiscovered - Laura Welsh

"Me and Becky... it's happening." Liam tells him as he slides his best suit jacket on.


"Yeah. We were hanging out the other day after class and I kissed her." Harry could feel the happiness overflow from the other side of the line as he heard him smile.

"That's great! I'm happy for you."

Harry really wanted to hang up on him, because he still had his matching suit pants to find and a pair of brand new Chelsea boots to take off the box, however he didn't want to sound uninterested about his love life. And he was genuinely happy for him. But he was also running late for his date if he didn't hurry to get ready.

"She's really amazing. I think I'm gonna ask her out on a date one of these days."

And I'm about to go on one, so could you please find something to do?

"Yeah. Do that." Harry says in a puff of air as he flies to his closet with his unbuttoned white shirt serving as wings.

"Are you seriously ditching me?"

"No!" He quickly declares, not wanting Liam to think he was completely ignoring him. But then he realized his sudden nervous tone kind of gave him away.  "No... I'm just really busy with something right now and my mom keeps calling me for dinner." Always an excellent liar. "Can we talk tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Don't forget the group work is tomorrow. Oh, and the Cold War essay is due tomorrow as well." Liam: the studious friend who always remind you about the school stuff you always tend to forget.

"On it." He says. But what he really meant was: Fuck, I still need to finish it. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine. Goodnight, H."


Okay. Where are those goddamn pants?

After what seemed to be an eternal search to find his dark grey suit pants, he discovers them folded in a box on top of his wardrobe. Clever.

Song: Wildfire - Demi Lovato

He's ready in his fancy suit and fairly under-maintenance hair six minutes before seven. That would give him enough time to cross the road and be ready for Louis to pick him up. He didn't tell his mom about it and, well, he kind of couldn't. So he had to say he was going to have dinner with Ricky because, looking like that, he didn't have many believable options left. Of course he had to promise her he would break it up with him, and the only reason why he didn't tell her he had already was just so Ricky could serve as a cover-up for them as he still could. That way she would never find out.

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