Chapter 1

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A/N: Welcome to the next chapter of the 16 and Pregnant Saga. Real quick if the text is like this that means Arianna is narrating. Now let's get this story started.

Ah, summer break, a time of leisure, relaxation, and just keeping it real...... Unless your me.

Just then Arianna and Jason in a golf cart start driving away frantically from an unknown monster.

"It's getting closer," said Jason.

Arianna speeds up.

My name is Arianna Pines and the boy about to puke is my best friend Jason, you're probably wondering why we're being chased by a creature of unimaginable horror.... Rest assured there is a perfectly logical reason behind this.

Okay lets go back to the very beginning. So about 20 years ago my dad, Dipper Pines, and my aunt Mabel were sent up here to the town of Gravity Falls Oregon. They apparently had so much fun that my grandparents decided to move up here when they turned fourteen. Then he started dating my mom, former princess of the town Pacifica Northwest. When they were 16 my mom was pregnant with my older brother Tyrone. A couple of years later I came into the picture. When I was born I had a strange birth defect called an Ectopic Ureter which unfortunately caused me to get incontinence and forced me into diapers for my entire life. So basically I have the best life of any 12 year old. NOT! Anyways I grew up watching my dad discover secrets of this town that I got a taste for mystery hunting.

Arianna is seen walked into her bedroom holding a book.

When summer started my dad gave me my Great Grunkle Ford's old journals hat he used to document his journeys in Gravity Falls from over 50 years ago. He basically the first mystery hunter. I even got my good friends Jason and Sammy. Along with my cousin Amelia and my older bro Tyrone. And right now my friend Jason and I are trying to out run a monster and this is how it happened.

Arianna's phone starts ringing. "Space Unicorns, Space Unicorns."

"This is Ari P what do you need?" Arianna asked.

"Hey Arianna it's Jason," said Jason.

"Hey Jason what's up?"

"et I fond something awesome in the forest bring the journals there might be something in there about what I'm talking about."

"Okay just give me a minute to change and I'll be out there."

Arianna ends the conversation and changes from her sleep pants into a skort, she would wear normal skirts but because of her disability she couldn't. She then picks up her backpack.

Arianna walks out the house, hops onto the golf cart they own, and into the forest. She finds Jason by a cave.

"What is you wanted to show me?" Arianna asked.

"Come with me," said Jason.

Arianna picked out her flashlight from her backpack and turns it on.

They walk into the cave after a few minutes of walking they find a dragon.

"Woah," said Arianna.

"I know right," said Jason.

Jason takes a picture of it with his phone only for him to wake the dragon up.

"RUN!" Yelled Arianna.

They run out of the cave and into the golf cart and starts driving.

"It's getting closer," said Jason.

The cart speeds up.

They find there way to the Mystery Shack and enter the gift shop to see Tyrone at the cash register eating taquitos.

"What are you guys doing here?" Tyrone asked, "Did mom and tell me to watch yo squirts?"

"No, there's a dragon outside," said Arianna.

"We need your help," said Jason.

"Okay talk to me," said Tyrone.

"Really you believe us?" Arianna asked.

"I've been alive a lot long than you 2 have so I know what goes on," said Tyrone, "Plus Soos helps me out on a ton of the weird stuff that happens here."

"Okay what do we do there is nothing in the journal about it," said Arianna.

"Give me it for a second," said Tyrone.

Arianna hands Tyrone the journal. Tyrone grabs a blacklight and turns it on to show glowing text.

"What?" Arianna asked.

"Yeah Great Grunkle Ford was very clever," said Tyrone.

Arianna reads the glowing text.

"It says it can be destroyed with either swords or fire," said Arianna.

"Well there we go problem solved do you guys happened to sell swords here?" Jason asked.

"We used to until Soos Jr almost got his arm sliced off by one of them," said Tyrone.

"Welp tome for plan be," said Arianna.

Arianna grabs a nearby fire extinguisher only for flames to come out.

"Perfect!" said Arianna.

"You have that but you don't have a sword?" Jason asked.

"To be fair that's the other security system," said Tyrone, "The other is just a set of guns."

Jason looked at him confused.

"It was placed in when my Great Grunkle Stan was in charge," said Tyrone.

Arianna was outside aim the nozzle at the dragon.

Once the dragon got close enough she pushes the lever down and the dragon was engulfed in flames and on then disintegrates.

"Arianna 1, Dragon 0," said Arianna.

"Woohoo go Arianna," said Jason.

"You rock baby sister," said Tyrone.

And that's the first of my stories and trust me there is more to come.

A/N: Alright that's the first chapter. I've got nothing to say now but if you got a suggestion for a future chapter put it in the comments. I'll see yah guys next time. ✌✌✌✌✌✌

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