Chapter 26

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A/N: Before I forget, the cover contest is over and no one did anything, so wow! That was a bust. Okay Today's suggestion comes to us from C3sy43619 alright lets get started.

Dipper, Mabel, and their respected spouses are at Mabel's store in the mall because Mabel needed some help at the store.

"Man who knew this store had so many customers," said Dipper.

"Well I've been looking for more employees," said Mabel, "I mean someone's gotta run the store when my 2nd daughter is born."

"I thought you like to keep it a surprise from everyone," said Dipper.

"I got tired of that idea, plus I originally did it to annoy Jackson," said Mabel, "I'm basically a trophy wife."

Just then the store's phone starts ringing, which Pacifica picks up.

"Mabel's Sweet Shop, the candy capital of this universe, how may I help you?" Pacifica asked.

While listening Pacifica's smile turns into a frown.

"Oh okay see yah," said Pacifica.

"What's wrong?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah Paz what's wrong?" Dipper asked.

"Your Grunkle Stan died," said Pacifica.

Mabel drops the pan she was holding and then breaks down into tears.

One week later they were at his funeral.

"Man I can't believe Stan is dead," said Dipper, "For real this time."

"I would yell at you but I thought he was dead for 30 years until 2012," said Mr. Pines.

Ford went up to the stand to give his eulogy.

"Stanley wasn't just my brother," said Ford, "He was my best friend, we had our ups and downs like any friend would but it hurt more because he was my brother."

Ford starts tearing up.

"He may have made some bad decisions in his lifetime," said Ford, "But he did care abs one very important thing."

Ford sniffles a little.

"And that was family," said Ford, "He spent 30 years looking for me, and saved his great niece and nephew countless times. He wasn't just a two bit con artist, he was a family man. And he was a true friend to me, he was my sailing buddies when we went to the Atlantic Ocean to search for weird mysteries. But he was mostly in it for the foreign ladies."

Everyone chuckles.

"I know that's funny but still, it is sad to see him go," said Ford, "I miss you Stanley, and I always will."

After the funeral a small service was held at The Mystery Shack.

Soos made a little announcement.

"Okay everyone I got something to say," said Soos, "Recently I commissioned a sculptor to make a much better version of the original founder statue outside. But in recent events I have decided to turn it into a memorial."

Soos removes the tarp over the statue to reveal an authentic Stan statue.

"Welp it's better than the last one," said Dipper.

"Honey what happened to the old one?" Melody asked.

"I sold it to some weirdo," said Soos.

While everyone was talking, Ford went outside and starts tearing up.

"Ford you okay?"

He turns around to see Dipper standing there with Mabel.

"I'm fine it's just," said Ford, "*Sigh* someone really close to me passed on, I don't know how to feel after this I mean he was both my brother and best friend. I just feel empty. No one knows what I'm going through."

"Actually Grunkle Ford I do," said Mabel "Remember when Jackson was dead?"

"Yeah why?" Ford asked.

"I felt an emptiness in my heart for 7 years," said Mabel, "It's like I couldn't do on, I felt extremely depressed."

Dipper came over to them.

"And when Tyrone lost his dog a few months ago he was depressed as well because he lost a longtime friend," said Dipper.

Dipper and Mabel give Ford a hug which makes him feel better.

"Thanks kids," said Ford.

Dipper and Mabel walk back inside.

"Stanley wherever you are," said Ford, "Just remember one thing, you'll be with me always."

Meanwhile in heaven.

"Don't worry sixer I'm for yah right here," said Stan, "Even though I thought I would go, well you know."

"You can say that word, if it's in the bible it's okay," said Abuelita.

"Well at least I have good company," said Stan, "And whatever that is."

Stan points to what looks like Jackson but as a turkey/fish/giraffe hybrid.

"That's what happens when you come back from the dead," said Abuelita, "It turns back to you when you die again."

"Luckily I'm not dumb to make deals with that triangle," said Stan.

Just then Bill appears.

"DAMMIT!" said Bill

A/N: We thought he goes to hell when now he's an angel. By the way don't blame me if the chapter was sad seeing a main character die, so yeah shout out to C3sy43619 for the suggestion. Okay if you got a suggestion for a future chapter leave it in the comments and I'll see you next time.

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