Chapter 18

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A/N: Haven't done a chapter for this story in a while, well I've been posting on a new story I made called Welcome Back (Dipcifica). Check it out after you're done reading this.

Arianna and Jason were working on homework when Jason got a call from his mom.

"Hey mom... I'll be home soon," said Jason.

"Again?" Arianna asked.

"Yeah sorry," said Jason.

"You know we haven't done much as a couple for a while, how about this weekend we go to that new technology themed restaurant," said Arianna.

"Techno's Fooditorium?" Jason asked.

"Yep," said Arianna.

"Okay lets do it,' said Jason.

Jason then leaves.

Arianna then goes see her mother.

Pacifica was currently playing with the twins.

"Who's the cutest babies in the world? You are!" said Pacifica.

The twins just giggle.

Arianna walks in.

"Mom can I talk to you?" Arianna asked.

"Sure sweetheart what's wrong?" Pacifica asked.

"I feel like me and Jason are drifting apart," said Arianna.

"Jason and you..... sorry I've been hanging around your Great Grunkle Ford too long," said Pacifica.

"That's okay," said Arianna, "anyways Jason and I haven't been connecting for a while, I think we need to break up."

"Well maybe, listen the only real relationship I've ever had is with your father," said Pacifica, "But, I was forced into some relationships from your grandfather Preston, and I know when I'm in a relationship that I know feels like it's going nowhere."

"Really?" Arianna asked.

"Yeah sorry Ari girl but I got nothing," said Pacifica.

"At least you tried," said Arianna.

A few days later Arianna and Jason were at the restaurant.

They were about halfway through eating when Jason spoke up.

"Arianna there's something I want to talk about," said Jason.

"Same here Jason," said Arianna.

They each took a deep breath.

"I think we should break up," said the both of them.

"Wait a sec," said Arianna, "Really?"

"Yeah, I still like you but I don't feel like we haven't been connected romantically lately I think it's the best," said Jason.

"I feel the same Jason," said Arianna.

"But, I think we should still be friends," said Jason.

"Same here, we know each other since kindergarten and I want nothing to change that," said Arianna.

A few weeks later Arianna is hanging out in her room with Sammy and Zach.

"Is something on your mind Ari?" Sammy asked.

"Yeah why are you asking?" Arianna asked.

"Because you've been lying in bed for like ever and let's not get started on the fact your pillows are wet from tears," said Sammy.

"I think your pillow is now considered a sponge," said Zach.

Sammy giggles.

"Oh Zachy you're so funny," said Sammy.

Arianna drowns in agony.

"Right, right, sorry," said Sammy.

"It's okay," said Arianna.

Sammy then realizes why Arianna is sad.

"Are you upset about your break up with Jason?" Sammy asked.

"What Pfft no!" said Arianna.

"Arianna listen, I know your upset about you and Jason but I know you two breaking up was the worst decision you two ever made," said Sammy, "And I remember that summerween when you two just went as babies with full diapers. And I know back then you had to wear them for a reason."

"Thank god that birth defect is gone," said Arianna.

"Anyways you two are made for each other," said Sammy, "And you won't be happy unless you guys are happy. Man, that sounded weird and off."

Arianna thinks for a second.

"You're right Sam," said Arianna, "I need to get back together with Jason."

Arianna dashes out the room.

"Didn't that last bit sound weird to you?" Sammy asked.

"Yeah," said Zach, "At least you're trying."

Arianna ran towards Jason's house only to see him with another girl.

"That was an amazing date Sophia," said Jason.

"Well I really like you Jason," said Sophia.

They then kiss causing Arianna's heart to shatter.

"And now I'm dead," said Arianna.




A/N: Sad ending I know, man these chapters have been getting more dramatic. If you got a suggestion for a future chapter place it in the comments. I'll see you next time so laters.

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