Chapter 16

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A/N: While Last Chapter was a happy one, this one eh................... not so much.

It has been 1½ months since we last saw our favorite characters. Mabel officially opened up her store called, "Mabel's Sweets Wonderland and Emporium" and the business there is booming with new customers everyday. Along with that Mabel is currently 3 months pregnant with baby number 3, she decided to keep it a surprise from everyone. But enough about Mabel, Dipper made a deal with Disney to produce his show about his childhood in Gravity Falls.

Right now Tyrone was working n the Mystery Shack, slacking off as usual, when he gets a a phone call.

"Hello Ty P here," said Tyrone.

"Tyrone it's Elsa," said Elsa.

"Hey babe what's up," said Tyrone.

"I need you to come to the hospital quick," said Elsa.

"Okay I'll be right there," said Tyrone.

Tyrone ends the call.

"Soos I'm heading out," said Tyrone.

"Why are you heading out early?" Soos asked.

"Elsa's in the hospital," said Tyrone.

"Okay you can go, make sure girl is alright," said Soos, "Also while you're there tell Melody I said Hi."

"Why is she in the hospital?" Tyrone asked.

"She visiting a friend who got in some stunt accident," said Soos, "her friends aren't smart."

"So aren't mine," said Tyrone.

Tyrone heads out and hops in the golf cart and heads off to the hospital.

He find Elsa in a room crying with her cousins Ethan and Aden comforting her.

"What's wrong?" Tyrone asked.

Elsa was crying hard.

"Elsa had a miscarriage," said Ethan.

Tyrone was in shock.

"Do you guys mind if I had a minute alone with her?" Tyrone asked.

"Sure," said Ethan.

"We were about to head off, mainly cause I got a date with a cute guy tonight," said Aden. (I never mentioned this but Aden is gay, don't judge him, I support his way of life, I'm maybe a straight male but I support LGBT rights)

Ethan and Aden left, leaving Tyrone with Elsa.

Tyrone then comforts his girlfriend.

"It's going to be okay Elsa," said Tyrone.

"I know Tyrone," said Elsa.

"I know this is going to be a difficult time for you," said Tyrone, "But, it's difficult for me to. I know I wasn't the father to him or her, but I hate seeing you down. I always have."


Tyrone was in daycare playing with a pooh bear plushie when Elsa came in crying.

"Elsa what wrong?" Tyrone asked.

"I don wanna about dit," said Elsa.

"You can tewl me," said Tyrone.

Elsa sniffles.

"My gwandpa died wast night," said Elsa.

Elsa starts crying again when Tyrone comforts her.

"It's okay Elsa, he's in a bettew pwace now," said Tyrone.

Elsa stops crying and smiles at the boy.

Flashback over:

Elsa is still crying.

"Look Elsa, when we're old enough and more preferably our mid to late-20's, early-30's we can try to have a baby of our own," said Tyrone.

Elsa looks up at Tyrone and give's him a hug. Tyrone plants a kiss on her lips.

"I love you Tyrone," said Elsa.

"I love you too Elsa," said Tyrone.

A/N: Sad chapter I know but this will be the end of the bad chapters for a while. Okay if you got a suggestion for a future chapter post it in the comments. I'll see you later peace✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌

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