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           -liam POV-

I come back from school me and my friend go into a fight and now i 'm mad. no one else was in the house so I get a bat and smash one of the vases in the living room. I hear the door nod turning so I run up stairs and throw the bat on Niall's bed and head to my room.

"Liam get your ass down here!" I hear Zayn yell. I quickly head down stairs, to see Zayn and Harry by the broken vase.

"what happened?" I ask

"oh don't play with me I know you did it." Zayn says

"what no I just got home a few minutes before you." I say

"a lot can happen in a few minutes." Zayn says

"I didn't break the vase." I lie

"Harry go to you room please." Zayn tells harry

"Liam I want your trousers down and over the couch." Zayn tells me

"no I didn't do it!" I lie again

"do it now!" he says

I run for the door, and make in out before zayn could even grab me. I run down the street. hearing zayn yell out my name.

I lost him after about an hour.

Its dark outside now. no one has found me yet. their probably not even looking.

  I was walking down a dark alley when I felt someone shove me into the brick wall.

"get away from me!" I cry.

"get me your clothes" the person says

"no please get away from me." I say

he grads my shirt and pulling it off of me. I try to get it back but the man hits me in the stomach then he pulls down my pants leaving me only in my boxers. after he beats me up he runs away. leaving on the floor bruised and bloody  everywhere. I think my lip is busted. I crawl up into a ball and cry.

               -Zayn POV-

We can't find liam anywhere. we've been looking for him for hours.

As I head down an alley. I heard someone crying. Get closer to see its liam he only had his boxers on. oh god his been- I don't even want to say it. I kneel down in front if him and touch his shoulder. he flinches as he cries more,

"please don't hurt me." he cries 

"i'm not going to hurt you liam." I say

he looking up and he gets up "ZAYN!" he cries raps his arms around me.

and cries into my neck.

"shh, shh Liam its okay. Zayn's here." I say rubbing his back.

after awhile he calms down

"Liam babe what happened where are your clothes?" I ask

"someone grabbed me and took my clothes. they beat me and left to here." he tells me.

"come on let's go home." I say

picking him up and head back home.

              -Liam POV-

we get home to have the guys in the livingroom waiting for us.

zayb sits me down on the couch.

"what happened? where are Liam's clo-" niall stops thinking what I first thought happened.

"no that didn't happen to him. he was mudded." zayn says

"oh Liam." niall tells me. he gets up and gets me from Zayn's arms. holding me close.

I cry into his crest.

"shy,shh, its okay. your safe." he tells me

"come on liam you still broke the vase. your gonna get punished." zayn says I cling on to niall

"please. I'm sorry." I cry

"no baby first you broke the vase then ran away." he says

"go on liam. just get it over with." niall says standing me up.

" okay." I say

zayn takes me up stairs and bends me over the bed.

"I'm only gonna give you 20 with my hand." Zayn says then he begins. I start to sob into the blankets as he finishes.

"shh,shh, its done. come here." zayn says getting me up. he picks me up and lays me down on the bed. he goes into the bathroom and gets something. he comes back with a wet cloth and bandages. He cleans away my bloody lip and face I hiss as it touches my skin.

"Liam promise me you'll never do that again." he tells me

"I promise never again." I say

"good" he says putting a bandage on my lower lip.

"now get some sleep." he says kissing my forehead. he was about to leave when I grab his arm

"please don't leave me." I cry

"okay. baby." he says getting into bed with me and holds me close.

"good night liam." zayn says

"good night zayn." I say laying my head on his crest.



hope you like it. and to  remember 


i'll be updated soon so tell me if you any of your own ideas in it.


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