how could you! (part 1)

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"PLEASE STOP!" Harry cries as a man beats him up.

"please stop! don't hurt him!" niall cries

wondering what's happening. well let me explain Louis and Zayn left for the night and left Liam in charge. but niall and Harry got Liam really mad making him leave. He forgot to lock the door , and now two guys came in and started beatening up on both Harry and niall.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF THEM!" Louis yells as he and Zayn pull the guys off of the younger members.

they call the police and the men are taken away.

Both niall and Harry were sobbing crazyly.

Louis and Zayn comforted them until they fell asleep.  Louis and Zayn were in the living room when Liam coming in.

"WHERE THE FUCK WE'RE YOU? WHILE YOU WERE GONE TWO MEN CAME IN AND BEAT UP NIALL AND HARRY." Louis yells at Liam, as Liam backs up into the corner.

"I - I'm sorry. i got mad." Liam tells louis.

"sorry is not gonna cut it. niall has bruises and cuts all over him. Harry has a broken arm and cuts and bruies. and its all your fault. I'm so disappointed in you!" Louis yells at liam.

Liam eyes widen as tears form. he was now scared of louis.

"l-louis y-your -s-scaring me." liam cries. "GOOD!" Louid yells. he has just told him his disappointed in him and that it's his fault Harry and niall are hurt.

Louis grabbing his upper arm broke him from thought. Louis dragged him up the stairs and to his room where he throw him onto the bed.

He then pulls down Liam's pants and boxers.

"NO NOT BARE!" Liam cries

"SHUT UP. DO NOT SCREAM, CRY OR BEG OR I WILL KEEP GOING!" Louis whispers harshly in Liam's ear.

Louis then brings down then paddle on Liam's bare bum.

Liam tries not to scream out in pain or beg, but as Louis spanks hin for the 30th time he breaks.

"LOUIS....S-STOOOPPPPP." He screams.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO BEG! give me your wrist." Louis says emotionless.

Liam beings his wrist behind him and has Louis grab them harshly. he then feels Louis tie them together with rope.

"L-louis please stop." liam cries out as he voice was going out.

Louis then lays down 100 more spanks on Liam's bum. in total 130. by the end of it Liam's bum was a cherry red, bruised and bleeding in some places. Liam was sobbing silently. 

Louis broke from thought as the door opened and Zayn comes in.

"Louis what did you do?" Zayn asks as he sees liam sobbing on the bed.

Louis turns to liam seeing him badly hurt.

"oh my goodness what have I done." Louis cries. he runs over to liam and touch his back rubbing it softly.

Liam cries out in pain, and tries to move away. He then falls to the floor and lands on his back. Zayn quickly runs over to liam and picks him up. unties his wrist and holds him tight.

"liam I - i'm so sorry." Louis cries.

Liam  doesn't say anything he just cries harder as he sees Louis there.


Louis' heart breaks as he hears liam say those words. Liam thought he was his dad who beat him for no reason(this is just made up for the story).

"liam I-I." he doesn't even get to say what what he wanted when he feels a sharp pain to his cheek.

Zayn has just slapped him. He steps back in fear as Zayn yells


Louis runs out the room and to his room where he waits for Zayn. sobbing his eyes out. Zayn hates him. Liam is scared of him. Harry and niall will probably hate him as well.

"shh, shh liam it's okay. Louis is not your dad. He just lost it for a bit." Zayn tells liam as he cries in Zayn chest.

"he hate me." liam cries

"no, no he does not hate you. he loves you." Zayn whispers.

"how much did he give you?" Zayn asks

"I think 130." at that Zayn was passed. it takes about 29 minutes before liam start to calm down. he tires himself out and falls asleep.

Zayn lays him on his stomach and covers him with his blanket. he then quickly goes to Louis room where he sees Louis sobbing on his bed.

"LOUIS GET UP RIGHT NOW!" Zayn yells going over to louis, pulling his pants and boxers down then bends him over the bed. He then ties his wrist together tight then slaps duck tape over his mouth. he takes off his belt as he thinks of how many he should do. Then he comes up with a number, so big. none of the boys have ever got so much.


find out in part 2 what that number is.


a 1D spanking story(completed) no longer writing Where stories live. Discover now