drunk Harry (part 2)

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Here's part 2

"what? No. You can't leave!" Liam cries.

"I'm f**ked up. big time." Harry says

"no its okay Harry everyone messes up." liam tells harry.

"no I messed up big time. I need to leave." Harry says as tears form in his eyes.

"no Harry you can't!" Liam cries.

"liam shut up!" Louis yells.

"Harry your not going anywhere. your staying right here." Louis says as he walks closer to harry. but Harry shoves him away causing him to fall to the floor.

"I'm sorry." he sobs and takes off running. Liam follows after him. chasing him down the street. he ends up tackling Harry down to the ground as he gets on top of him.

"liam. get off of me!" Harry cries. as he tries to get liam off of him, but Harry wasn't the strongest of person, when it comes to liam. so liam pinned him down easily.

"Harry calm down." liam says

"no liam. I'm a f**K up. You should go back and be with people how don't mess up." Harry cries.

"Harry we all make mistakes. even me. I'm no different from you."  Liam tells him trying to calm him down.

Harry calms down enough for liam to get off of him and pull him into his arms.

"you okay now harry?" liam questions as he runs his hands through Harry's hair.

"mhm."  Harry answers as he wipes his nose with his hand.

"you want to go back to the house now?" "no."

"why not?" 

"because I don't want the guys guys to rune this."

"wha-" Liam's starts but is cut off when Harry presses his lips in Liam's. Liam gasps before he leans into Harry deepen the kiss.

they both pull away

"wow." Harry gasps

"yeah wow." liam says

"I've been wanting to done that forever."

"me to."



"will you be my boyfriend?"

"yes. yes. yes liam I will be your boyfriend." 

liam slams his lips into Harry's and they begin to make out.

"what are we going to tell the boys?" Harry asks

"they don't need to know." he says

"but they will find out."

"yes. but they don't need to right now." 

"okay. and Harry I love you." 

"I love you to liam." 


hope you'll like it

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