embarrassed (xxxblueeyesxxx11)

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okay so I'm gonna be putting the people's names on the story ideas they gave me.


  -Zayn POV-

all the boy's and miner's families are in town. they were on their way and harry and liam keeps on misbehaving.

"SHUT UP LIAM!" Harry yells

"DONT HAVE TO ASS!" Liam yells back,

"harry! liam! we do not say those words in this house!" I yell

"whatever." they says

"i don't want to give you to a spanking right now. everyone is in their way."

(an hour later)

           -Arthur POV-

the boys greet their families and are now eating dinner.

"harry can you pass the salt?" Zayn's sister Saffaa asks

"harry pass the salt to my

sister." zayn says

"whatever ass." harry says as he grabs the salt and pours it on his food and then gives it to Saffaa.

"thanks." she says

"harry language." zayn says

"fuck off zayn." liam joins in

"what ever." they both say

"LIAM! HARRY. stop it right now!" zayn says

"don't have to." harry says

"that's it but you to up stairs right now!" zayn yells they both don't move from their seats.

"get up right now!" zayn yells

neither of them get up.

"that's it!" zayn grabs both harry's and liam's arms and

dragged other to the wall.



Zayn spanked them both 20 times on their pants with his hand. both boys were red face and embarrassed because that they got spanked and in front of their families.

zayn grabs them then pushes them to their seats. both don't say a word or look up they just stare at their food.

"zayn is this how you deal with the boys." zayn's mum says

"yes." he says

after dinner both liam and harry run up stairs.

"I'm gonna go check on them." zayn says getting up from his seat. he walks up stairs and heads to Harry's room. he slowly pushes the door open and sees harry crying his heart out on his bed.

"harry?" zayn says coming closer to harry. harry moves away.

"harry I'm sorry I sure spanked you up here not in front of everyone." he says

"i-its okay." harry says

"come here." zayn says holding his arms to harry. harry goes into zayns arms burying his face into zayns shirt.

"shh,shh its okay hazza. I love you." zayn tells harry as he rubs Harry's back.

"love you too." harry says

"come on let's go to liam's." zayn says picking up harry and carries him to liams room.

"liam baby I'm sorry for doing that to you please forgive me." zayn tell liam putting harry down on the bed.

"its okay I forgive you." liam says hugging zayn.

zayn, harry, and liam spend the rest of the night on liams bed. holding each other. 


hope you like it.

a 1D spanking story(completed) no longer writing Where stories live. Discover now