Harry's cousin

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            -Harry POV-

I'm so excited my cousin Jenna is coming over to stay awhile with me and the guys.

I just hope she doesn't cause to mush trouble. she can be a bit of a hand full.

           -Jenna POV-

I arrive to the guys house and ring the door bell. and nock a couple of times before the door opens and harry comes into view.

"Jenna your here!" Harry yells. hurting my ears a bit.

"your hurting my fucking ears!" I snap. harry steps back

"no cursing. I will not tolerate it

" he tells me.

"whatever." I say stepping inside.

"hey Jenna!" liam yells as I sit down on the couch.

"do you have to yell!" I yell back.

"Jenna if you dont stop yelling at people. i'll take you over my knee." harry tells me

"OK." Mr. busy pants. I say to myself.

I was in the living room as harry when to the store. niall comes in and sits down next to me.

"Jenna want to go out side and play golf?" he asks

"no. I don't." I say

"please! please!" he cries.

"I said no niall!" I yell.

but that doesn't stop him

"please Jenna please!" he begs pulling on my arm

"I said no!" I yell punching Niall in the stomach. he falls to the ground just as harry opens the door. to see niall crying on the ground.

"Niall!" harry cries dropping the bags he had. he runs over to Niall on the floor in front of me.

"you okay nialler?" he asks him.

"no Jenna punched me." he cries

"JENNA IN MY ROOM NOW!" Harry yells at me getting niall up.

"but harrry-"

"I said NOW!" he yells.

I run up the stairs and to his room. I wait on the bed for a while until he comes in.

"bend over the bed." he tells me.

"what no!"

"I said bend over the bed!" I get scared and do what he said.


"owww! what was that for?"

"you hit niall." he says smacking my bum again.

he does this for 15 more times before he stops. he picks me up and places me on his lap. being careful not to touch my sore bum. I cry into his neck as he rubs my back

"I'm ss-sorry." I cry

"its okay but its not me you should say sorry to." he tells me

I get off of his lao and head down stairs where I see niall on the couch.

"I'm sorry niall. that I hit you." I say

"its okay." he says be pulls me into a hug and we watch a movie. until we fall asleep.


hope this is what you wanted. keep commenting you guys ideas because I'm running out of ideas.


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