Chapter 5

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Katniss' P.O.V
I am not leaving him.
I hate him but I love him enough to let him here.
"Here" I give him my leather jacket.
I pick up the bow and it feels so heavy. I hold it tight.
He wore his grey shirt. It was his favorite. He wore it a day before the reap and I asked why.
He answered:"The same reason you wear your father's jacket. You know but you hide it well that it's the last day you will get to wear it"

He gave it back to me
"it's your father's. You don't wanna give it to a person like me"
He adds:
"Especially to a person like me"

I go in his back and I wear it to him. We walk but we are not afraid of a rain. This is a strong one.

I soon reply:
"I want to give it, especially to a friend like you"

We walked in the rain for twelve minutes.

He stopped to rest. He scowled but not like usual , like hurting.

'You are not okay' I said
He looked at me , he tried to smiled but sore won him, even though Gale is not usual in losing.
"I am not " he reassured me.
"I know a plant that may help you"
I offered with a kind , quiet and honest voice.
"No, no, I don't want this. I hurt enough " he said but I interrupted in agony.
"I will go now" I meant it.
"But I hurt more here "
He placed his hand in his heart, but I first looked at our hands that were together after he grabbed me just for not to go away.
I checked his leg.
"Can you do something for this?"he asked .I shook my head.

I could hug him , I could love him but I could slap him.

"Come here" he offered. He open his arms waiting for me to not endure and let me embrace his hurting heart , his body.
So did I .

The rain had made his hair black and my braid wet. His shirt suited him better.
I abandoned the bow while his knees had bend down. We sat both cold, under a tree which we both loved.
The sound of the bow echoes all over the place. I saw Gale's eyes, I heard his heart beating rhythmically and I tried to make my own rhythm just from our two hearts. I closed my eyes too.
"I missed you " he whispered so that I am the only who hears
"I missed you but I missed Prim too " I replied back. Not with anger.
"I missed her too."He said softly and hugged me tighter but I slipped and looked him in his hurting eyes.
"I never wanted any of this" he apologized.
"I never wanted any of this."I whispered out loud.

I wanted to shout , but against that I screamed inside me
I want my family back.
I want my family back.
If only the rain could hear me.
If only he could heal my traumatized soul.

He put his hand around my waist , I look vaguely to the forest and I don't notice that immediately and even when I do , I don't mind. He might were a killer but he was a friend, my friend. He warmed me. Gale's fire did that. Mine had been deleted.

I always wanted to know what Gale's life were in District 2. I wanted to know what he had achieved , even the lips he had kissed. I sounded desperated and pathetic.

I tried to assumed the hour when I closed my eyes and I smelt the rain.
Gale puts my hands in his own chest , his head looks down and I can feel his kindness and his gentle soul.
I feel understanding.

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