Chapter 11

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I remember the first time I met Jessika. My world was shitty beyond compare and she came along and turned my world upside down, inside out, backwards, sideways, long ways, all other ways. She was my everything, she was the very first person to ever make me truly happy. Well, besides Erika though she really doesn't count since Erika always made me glad to be alive. Jess just boosted up my joy for life a little more.

I guess it all started in middle school when Erika and I were the "it" crew, but to be perfectly honest. I hated it. I hated that I had to be a certain way and act a certain way to fit in. In this case though, the only reason I was even popular was because I was best friends with Erika, so that made me automatically part of the "it" crew. At this time, I was dating the girl I was just talking about in the first paragraph, I'll even highlight it if you're stupid.

"Hey babes." She would say as she'd wrap her arms around me in a tight hug. Why did I take her cute baby names and soft caresses for granted? Probably because I never thought in a million years she would rip my heart out through my chest, burn it and then spit on before impaling it through a stake? Nah, that would have been too nice for her. She made me suffer from heartache to point of wanting to kill myself. The hardest part about the suffering was still wondering to this day if she ever once thought about me or if she had felt any kind of guilt.

Now, my whole world is back to square one: shitty beyond hope.

"You have a visitor, make sure you keep the door open." My mom stated through the doorway. hmm, must be a girl coming to visit, either Katie or Erika. At that moment, Katie walked into my room. Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner! I noticed right away she looked wrecked, her hair was flying all over the place, her makeup was runny, and she was smiling. She looked like High School Barbie if she got left for Malibu Barbie by Ken and to be honest I tried really hard not to laugh at the thought.

But I pushed that awful, though funny, thought away and approached her with an, hopefully, sincere expression. "Katie, what happened?"

"He saw it." She began to cry more tears and let her head drop as she began to sob. All the funny thoughts were gone.

"Saw what? Come sit on my bed and tell ol' Stacey what happened." She staggered to my bed beside me and began her tragic tale. After I took everything in about Ashley's doings, I realized she just made the biggest mistake of her life. I'm usually good at keeping my composure and usually never get pissed, so what happened next....I couldn't tell you how my composure did a complete 360.

"Stacey, where are you going?" I heard Katie ask as she chased after me.

I didn't stop nor slow down, but she did catch up as we walked a good mile up the sidewalk. Finally arriving at our destination, I started banging on the door like a mad man, until she eventually answered. "What the hell are you doing here?" She asked with a snarl.

Hmm, not today. My adrenaline kicked in as I grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and slammed her back against the wall beside the door. "You're going to tell me right fucking now Ashley's location or I swear to God, I will show you the same love I'm about to show Ashley." I warned through gritted teeth right in her face.

"Stacey, let her go." Katie shrieked in fright. I didn't hear her as I kept my hold on her.

The look on Jessika was pure terror. "S-she's studying with Kyle." She stuttered.

"Where?" I growled and narrowed my eyes at her, squeezing her shirt harder.

"T-the school." She answered automatically. She shook so bad I thought she was having a seizure. I finally let her go and without saying a word, I basically ran in the direction of the school with Katie running after me.

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