Chapter 12

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This had to be the worst two days of my life. First, Rico sees me with Tony and then Stacey gets thrown in jail without any idea how to bail her out. And I thought leaving my old school was depressing. I stepped outside and began to walk, realizing that it's a great way to clear one's head. Why of all times had he chose to show up and at school no less! Now Rico will most likely never talk to me again at all because of that stupid jealous bimbo!

My heart sank the more I thought about it and then sunk deeper when I locked eyes on Rico walking the opposite direction with someone I didn't recognize. Without thinking, I dashed to the two and pulled Rico aside. "Please hear me out."

"Katie, it's alright. He's your boyfriend I already know. You told me about him our first encounter. I don't care." Ouch! that stung.

"Rico, we broke up." I tried to convince him.

He didn't respond for a moment until he opened his mouth. "Well, Ashley and I haven't, so I will see you around. Later."

At that moment, I wanted to be shot on the spot as I watched him walk back to his friend without so much as a quick glance my way. I get framed by his fucked up little girlfriend who happens to be cheating on him by the way and he wants absolutely nothing to do with me. Just great! I could feel tears stroll down my cheek as I made my way back to Erika. 

As soon as I wobble into her room, I was bombarded with Derrick and her. "Stacey got bailed out!"

"By who?" I felt my spirit lift in relief. 

"I don't know. The call was like 'I'm out'. Click." Erika stated.

"So how do we know if she got bailed out?" I asked.

"Jail just doesn't let you go in a day, Katie." Derrick chuckled.

Apparently, my facial expressions weren't on their level when Erika's excitement died down as she looked at me, worried. "What happened?"

"I found Rico." I muttered.

"And?" Derrick edged on.

"I thought he would get mad or even feel a little hurt. Call me a whore, slut, yell at me for kissing him when I knew damn well I had a boyfriend. Tell me to get lost, I'd prefer that than him still acting like we're friends and it didn't bother him in the slightest. Like I don't mean anything to him." I said sadly.

Erika wrapped her arms around me."I'm sure he'll come around. It just takes time."

"I don't want it to take time! I want him!" I yelled and instantly jumped at my proclamation. I want him? Since when? When he kissed me? No...when he saved me from that prick. Or was it before that? What were really my feelings before that? I kept trying to figure out when I decided that I wanted him and how wanted him at that."

"Katie?" I snapped out of my thoughts as I looked at them both.

Before I could respond, Stacey barges through the door. "Stace!" We all attacked her in a hug at once.

"How the hell did you get out? None of us had the money for your bail." Derrick asked.

"Someone did bail me out and you'll guess who did." She said with a thrilled tone. Their eyes turned to the doorway and suddenly the air felt tense. I peaked at Erika who looked just as uncomfortable as I did and a little guarded. "Now before you guys freak out let me just say that she's on our side now?"

Derrick approached Jessika to give her a hug and kiss making Erika deflate with disappointment.

"Stacey, could you help Erika and I with something that needs to be taken care of in the kitchen real quick." Before she could say anything, I pulled her arm towards us. "We'll be right back." Once we were away from the door, I immediately started in on her. "Stacey, you cannot be serious."

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