Chapter 16

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I clutched my phone in my hands. Dammit! As I stood there in complete anger and pain, there chimed a high pitch ringing. I check my caller I.D and pressed answer.

"What's up, Derrick."

"Hey, Kyle and I are going to the skate park. Meet us there?"

"Yeah, I'll get my board and meet you guys there." I hung up the phone and stared at it for felt like hours before grabbing my board and putting on my shoes and headed out the door, that was until Ashley and Jessika barged through my door.

"When will you ever learn to lock your door? Hey, sexy, ready to go?" Ash said as she wrapped her arms around my waist and gave me a quick kiss.

I smiled at her and returned it. "I can't go anywhere with you hanging onto me."

"Well, then I guess we have a dilemma cause' I really don't want to let go." She smiled.

"You guys are really cute, but MY boyfriend and YOUR friends are waiting, Rico." Jess laughed at us making me chuckle.

I gave my girlfriend a passionate kiss. "Then I guess I'll have no choice but to carry you, huh?"

With that Ash giggled and leaped on me, wrapping her legs around my waist. "Drop me and I'll drop you, Darling." She said sweetly.

"I wouldn't even dream of dropping you." I answered as I kissed her on the nose and we headed out the door with Jess following close behind.


The hours ticked by too slowly for my comfort. I wasn't ready for this and I thought to myself I would never be.

"Mom, I don't think I can do this." I choked as she zipped up the back of my black laced dress.

Her eyes lifted from my back to the mirror to meet mine. "We have to be strong...for him. Do you understand?" She spun me around to face her and wiped away a stray tear from my cheek. She then took me in her arms and I could feel the wet spots in my hair and her shoulders quiver from her silent sobs.

She was about as ready as I was.

The ring of the doorbell had interrupted the pre-tears and we quickly got back into our composure. I quickly wiped the tears away and took a deep breath in before going downstairs to open the door. My happiness took over as I saw all my closest friends, dressed in black, standing there with flowers in there hands.

"Hey, Erika, we came to give our respects to your father." Katie stated.

"We couldn't let you mourn by yourself." Stacey added as she gave a giant hug and I never wanted her to let go for her arms brought so much comfort.

As soon as she walked inside and I saw Derrick with an two extras bouquets, I instantly had an urge to run into his arms. "You came."

"If I even thought for a second of leaving you alone at a time like this, I would hate myself for the rest of my life. Here." He handed me one of the bouquet of pink roses.

"Thank you so much. They're beautiful." I could feel my cheeks get hot as I refused to look into his deep blue orbs.

"Well, this is nice surprise." My mother sounded from behind us.

"We wanted to accompany you today." Derrick stated as he handed the bouquet of white lilacs and I could tell she was trying to keep herself together without busting into tears at all the support they were giving her and I couldn't have thanked them more.

The ceremony was huge. Over 15 soldiers all lined up at the casket with their rifles. Friends and family stood as a crowd around the coffin with the American flag laying on top. I immediately felt the tears begin to fall.

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